Chapter 5 Trying To Move On

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Harry  had a healthy baby boy and named him NOAH WILLIAM STYLES, he was born right on louis birthday December 24th harry couldn't believe it and as Noah got older Harry couldn't believe how much his son looked like Louis from from caramel color hair, to his button nose, his lips, his attitude sassy as can be and mostly his beautiful blue eyes, the only thing noah got from harry was his curly hair and dimples, everything else was Louis, Zayn and Liam are now engaged and Niall is seeing a nurse from the hospital that he works at Lucy,  Niall, Liam and Zayn all help out taking care of Noah and Harry is so happy that his son can bond with his best friends, in the time harry got pregnant until now louis or his family has not known anything about Noah and harry knows that he will need to tell louis but he just cant he now wants to protect his son from louis family and their horrid ways and thoughts, Harry eventually left the law firm and has started his own now successful law firm his office only a few blocks from his old office and harry is so much happier, as for Louis well harry really doesn't know any thing he asked his 3 best friends to stop telling him anything about him the only thing he knows is that louis and eleanor broke up a week after harry and louis broke up but other than that they dont tell harry anything

"Noah William Styles, get back here or we wont go see Uncle Niall" harry says as his 2 year old son is running around the living room with  one shoe on and 2 socks in his hand

"daddy i want to see uncle niall" noah says

"well then we gotta get you dressed, so i can go to work" harry says

"daddy, when we go see nana and grandpa, i wanna play with granpa train"

"umm next week nana and granpa are on vacation"

"yay can i put on calendar"

"yeah we can do that lets do that tonight when we get home" harry says as he sits his son on his bed and puts on his socks and shoes

"alright much better" harry says "come on lets go buddy, uncle niall is waiting for you"

"yay, uncle niall he give me candy and soda"

"well i think i need to talk to uncle niall and tell him to stop"

"no daddy no, he say our secret" noah says as harry puts him in his car seat and buckles him in once harry has noah buckled in harry gets in the drivers seat and makes his way to nialls house harry parks the car and gets noah down and make sure to bring down noahs bag with his things, harry knocks on door and Niall opens it and noah immediately jumps on niall

"hey heres my favorite little man" niall says as he picks up the toddler

"daddy i gonna big and strong like uncle niall"

"yes buddy you are as long as uncle niall stop feeding you candy and sodas" harry says knowing that niall wont care

"what he wants it and how can you deny this cute little face anything" Niall says as he places a gently kiss on noahs cheek

"yeah ok, i'll be back by 3" harry says

"i'm going to take him to the park so we should be back by 4, i just have some errands to run" niall says" or i can drop him off at your house"

"if you want you can drop him off, i can just catch up on a new case i have" harry says

"yeah, lucy has the day off and will be here in a bit" Niall says

"yay I like aunt lucy she so much fun" noah says" she say she my girlfriend but no tell uncle Niall"

"ok no tell uncle niall" harry says a noah goes inside the house

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