Chapter 32

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Zev and the knife were gone by the time Aliah reached the Great Room. Aliah pulled on a cloak and stuffed the blanket, a canteen of water, and a loaf of bread wrapped in white linen into a sack. He slung the bag over his shoulder and limped outside. The pain in his side had diminished to a dull ache that throbbed down his left side to his toes.

The rain stopped, leaving his well-trodden trail a mess of broken branches and mud. He backtracked the way he'd come, less than an hour ago, with a faltering jog-limp. In another hour the sun would rise making it easier to look for Shai in the Borderless, but also making her an easier target. What was going through Zev's mind right now? Would he hurt Shai?

Aliah's mind raced faster than he could run. He slipped in the mud and caught himself with one arm before he went sprawling. He yelled at a fresh wave of pain. His vision doubled and panic fogged his mind.

No, no, no. I can't give up now.He felt beneath his sweater for his glass pendant. It's still there. I'll be okay. He blinked, clearing his vision, then continued his trek through Borderless territory.

He knew Shai almost better than he knew himself. Where would she go? She didn't know the area at all which meant she'd wander around until she found the Borderless people... No, she feared them, because she'd been taught to fear the unknown. So she'd keep her distance. But then where would she go? If she took this trail from the Manor, it curved east and led to the Sector he'd just come from. Straight north over rocky terrain was where Ellersly was taking his group. That path was unmarked and the journey would be more difficult for someone alone and she'd be afraid to wander off the most visible trail. So that meant she must've gone to Conley. The Sector that was now in flames.

A snapping sound on the trail ahead stopped him. He slipped behind a tree, watching. A lone figure walked with shoulders hunched and head down toward him. When the person was about to pass they looked up.

Aliah released his breath in a rush. "Ell!" His friend jumped then smiled. Aliah stepped from the tree and met Ellersly on the trail.

The younger boy's face fell as his eyes travelled over Aliah. "You're a mess!" Ellersly sounded raspy like something hung loose in his windpipe. What at first appeared to be shadows on his jaw turned out to be bruises darkening to a deep purple.

"You don't look great either, Ell. But we're alive thanks to our great fighting skills." He tried to laugh, make the circumstances seem light, but the laughter died in his throat. He started walking again and Ellersly followed.

"When I got back to the Manor Shai was gone." Aliah spoke softly because he knew the Borderless had ears that heard more than the Watchers of Lael. "If she stayed on this trail she's headed east." He heard Ellersly sigh and neither one said anything for a few minutes.

"It's likely she went to Conley. It's the most clearly marked trail." Ellersly then got a funny look on his face. "That girl, with the wrist thing. I heard her say Conley is a Sector. So, uh... what's a Sector? I've never heard the term before. Is it like another name for the Borderless?"

Aliah felt faint. He didn't want to keep anything from his friend, but with the page from the Book tucked in his trousers and the Book now in Akan's hands, he didn't have a choice.

"Sure, Ell. It's like when we divided up the Borderless into quarters right? North and East and so on. Same thing."

Ellersly nodded and relief washed over Aliah. No more questions for now.

"I was thinking, Ell. Maybe you should take Mara and the children North tonight. Don't wait until tomorrow. I have a bad feeling about Elchai catching onto our plan and tracking us down. We can't waste any more time. I'll come with you to tell Mara first then I'll search for Shai, and when I find her we'll come to you."

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