Goodnight, Love

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"I do not have a cute sneeze!" Sherwin argued, searching through his small pullstring bag. He was currently arguing with his boyfriend, yes boyfriend, Jon over a small kitten sneeze moments earlier.

"But you do!" Jon grinned, leaning against the bathroom doorway.

"No! Stop! Just drop it. Please?" Sherwin begged, finding pajamas.

"Okay, okay!" Jon surrendered, putting his hands up.

"Thank you-" Sherwin sighed, slipping off his Star Trek tee shirt. Jon began to promptly turn away, as per usual because Sherwin was shy, but a glimpse of his back stopped him. He looked again, covering his mouth in horror.

Sherwin's back was bruised up his spine. It must be painful. Clear as day, 'win winced as he bent down. Jon was ashamed that he knew almost instantaneously who had done this. Adam. He knew that up people's spines was Adam's go to bullying technique. Oh he was going to get him. . . Jon clenched his fist and turned away, walking out of the room. Sherwin watched him, slipping an old shirt over his head. The front door slammed shut, causing Sherwin to wince.

He changed into pajama bottoms and stuffed his dirty clothes into his bag. He carefully entered the living room. Jon's parents were home from their day jobs, relaxing on the couch and watching Family Feud on the Tele.

"W-Where did Jonathon g-go?" Sherwin asked politely, stepping into the living room and approaching Jon's mother.

"He went to the garage, honey. Seemed angry, so he's probably punching the punching bag in there," she responded, smiling. Sherwin had always envied Jonathon's family. The Spanish accents, the culture, and most prominently the closeness.

"Thank you," Sherwin smiled and headed outside. He slipped on his  sneakers, worn from years of use, closing the front door behind him. The orange haired fellow followed the neatly arranged stone path to a seperate garage a few yards next to the main house.

Sherwin approached the side door and peeked in through the window. Spying on Jon. Oh the memories this brought back- NOT NOW!!

He had to squint at first but he soon found his boyfriend absolutely decimating a punching bag. Sherwin could just hear what he was shouting. He was kind of scared. He'd never seen him angry like this.

"God damnit Adam!!" A hard kick, "son of a gun! How dare-" upper punch, "ANYBODY lay a hand on HIM!! He's got another thing coming if he thinks-" side swipe, "he can get away with this!!"

  Panting, the raven haired teen stopped and began to cry. Cry in anger, and in shame. He should've known Adam would be a dick. He should've known someone wouldnt agree with their relationship. He should've been there for Sherwin, but he wasn't and Sherwin paid the price. He vowed to protect him from here on out. A vow he should have made a long time ago.

Sherwin watched through the dirty window. He couldnt make out the crying, but he had heard the punching and shouting stop. He suddenly grew frightful.

Who was the "he" Jon had been referring too? Who's Adam?? Get away with what???

But most importantly:

Had he caused this?

Sherwin didnt have time to answer that. He heard footsteps walking towards the door. He scrambled back to the house, opening and closing the door, slipping off his shoes and heading to the bedroom. Running and hiding from Jon months before really trained him for this.

Jon entered a few minutes later, opening the door and eyes locking onto Sherwin. He smiled sadly as his ginger boyfriend was curled up on the bed, his back to Jon.

Jon walked over and climbed into bed beside him. Sherwin felt the bed sink slightly from behind him and he knew who it was.

Sherwin tensed and blushed as the taller male curled up behind him, pressing the Ginger's back to Jon's chest in a spooning position. Jon rested his chin on Sherwin's shoulder, smiling. This sent shivers down the smaller male's spine.

"You seem upset, what's up?" Jon asked, arms wrapping around Sherwin's waist.

Sherwin blushed and smiled. Then he faltered, "What were you yelling about in the garage?"

When Jon fell silent, Sherwin panicked, "I-I'm sorry! It was wrong of me to invade-"

"No, you're fine," Jon played a bit with Sherwin's orange locks,"I saw your back Sher', and I got angry."

Sherwin tensed, "Why? What's wrong with my back?" He started to fret.

"The bruises Sher'. They're not good," Jon sighed, pulling his boyfriend closer to his chest.

Sherwin didn't seem to mind this time. He sighed, "I know. Im sorry." Sherwin traced Jon's knuckles.

"Its not your fault. Next time Adam, or anyone, bothers you, promise that you'll tell me?" Jonathon's grip on Sherwin tightened as he waited his boyfriend's answer.

Sherwin finally gave in. "I promise," he said quietly. Jon smiled and kissed his boyfriend's freckled face. Sherwin giggled.

He turned to face Jon, smiling shyly. Jon smiled and placed a hand on Sherwin's cheek.

"Can we just drop it and actually go to sleep please?" Sherwin blushed and giggled, playfully moving the taller male's hand away.

"Okay okay. But only because you asked nicely," Jon smiled, pulling
Sherwin close and placing a kiss upon his freckled forehead. Sherwin giggled softly, blush spreading over his face. Jon always loved him like this.

"Goodnight, love," Jon smiled, closing his eyes.

"'night Jon," Sherwin smiled, cuddling closer and drifting asleep.

Jon peeked an eye open. He smiled, admiring Sher's peaceful state. He was always on edge or shy, so it was always nice to see him relaxed and at ease. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, happily sleeping.

۩۞۩ єи∂ ۩۞۩

Word Count: 960 words

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