Chapter 1

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That’ s definitely what I need, to sit alone at lunch again. But it’s not like it’s different than every other day in this miserable hellhole, which is referred to as high school. The thing is, it wasn’t always like this, I used to have so many friends, but when a rumor goes around that you basically dated everybody in your grade, you tend to lose friends very quickly, even though that rumor was the most untrue thing that has ever been said about me, because I haven’t even had my first kiss, that’s right, I’m in grade 11 and I haven’t kissed anybody yet.

Well anyways, as per usual, to avoid all the mocking and catcalls lunch bring, I default to sitting in the library. But didn’t account for being extra careful, because today was the first day of school after summer break. So natural with my horrible luck, I literally run into Ivy, my worst tormentor, and the queen of all the bitches at my school.

“Kylie!” I ignored her screaming my name.

“Kylie! I am talking to you, look at me!”  I keep my head down and walk away. This is when I feel a pair of arms connect with my back, and I tumble to the ground. A look around shows there is now a large circle of people surrounding me, and only one thing is going through my mind, I need to leave. This is the only thing I am thinking about as everyone crowds around me, as I try to escape.

Ivy moved to the side just a bit, probably to let somebody have a better view of the freak that I me cowering on the ground before her. Except ,I’m not cowering anymore. Standing up, with every bit of hate I held for Ivy fueling me, I punched her square in the nose and she let out a cry of pain. Then collapse on the ground defeated, mentally as I stooped to her level, something I promised myself I would never do.

I need to leave. Kept repeating in my head, almost like a mantra, because I needed to leave I couldn’t say here anymore. And even though it was only lunchtime, I slung my bag over my shoulder and ran out the school doors, running the five blocks to my house.

I ran up the steps, to knock on the door, and when I did, I received no answer. Well, at least that was good, nobody would be able to stop me from leaving.  Taking the steps up to my room three at a time, I swung the door open, formulating a plan in my mind.


I executed my plan. I bought a train ticket out of Sydney, took all the money in the house (Which ended up being around $1200, because most of it was money I’ve been saving since I was 10) and packed a little duffel bag with all of my necessities, like clothes, electronics, and stuff like that, but I did turn the tracker on my phone off so they won’t be able to track me down, but it’s not like they’ll want to anyways.

I walked straight out the door, locking it behind me and making my way to the bus stop down the street. I checked the app on my phone and it said that the bus would be arriving shortly.

My phone kept its promise as the bus rolled into the stop merely seconds later. The swing doors opened widely, so I paid my fare and took a seat at the back of the bus and closed my eyes.


What seem like seconds later I feel a tap on my shoulder, and realize that it’s the bus driving, and we just arrived at the train station. But that bus ride took longer than I anticipated, because a look at the lit up sign at the train platform informed me that I had two minutes to enter my train. I ran across the station and finally reached my train. But when I entered it, it was nearly full, the only available seat I could find was at the back, beside a teenage looking boy with hair the colour of lilacs.


Author's Note: This is the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, i know it wasn't the best but it will get better I promise.Please Vote if you enjoyed it, and Comment, I love hearing feedback.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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