Chapter one

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"Guys can you please shut up, I have a freaking migraine." I said to my two best friends Ian and Owen.

"Come on Gabe, we aren't being that loud." Ian said, or maybe it was Owen, they are identical twins and with my migraine all I can see are blurry shapes.

"Are you kidding me?" I said rubbing my forehead. "China can hear you."

"And the Chinese probably find us witty and amusing."

"Yeah right." I highly doubt it; they were being stupid and immature, as always. I would join in what they were doing but my head has been pounding all day and five hours of school caused it to  turn from a slight ache to what I assume feels like an elephant sitting on your head.

"Man you must be stressed or something." Owen said, at least I think it was him.

"I'm not stressed; I just need to lie down."

They both stopped walking, but I kept going, I really needed to get home. "That's going to be hard." One of them said.

"Why?" I shouted back at them.

"Because you just walked past your house." I stopped. Man I'm dumb. I walked back towards the house. I heard them both laughing so I gave them the finger, maybe not the best thing to do but they deserved it.

"Wow, someone is grumpy."

"You guys are cruel." I said shutting the door. I leaned against the wall, not caring if I fell asleep right here.

I could vaguely hear my mom's voice on the phone. I took a long breath and headed for the stairs.

"Gabriel." My mother said from the living room. "Come here please."

My full name, this can't be good. "Yes mother." I said, hoping she can hear I'm not feeling well and will go easy on me; she always softens up when I'm sick.

"That was principal Layne on the phone." She said putting her hands on her hips in that intimidating mom way. "He says you are failing French and English."

"What!" I said. This can't be happening, I know they are my worst subjects but I didn't think I was doing that bad. "That's not possible."

"It's very possible."

God kill me now is all I can think. It's not my fault that I don't get French or English, French to me is like trying to make sense of what alphabet soup says and English is about being creative and reading between the lines, two things that I can't do.

"Did he say anything about how to bring my grades up?" I ask running my hand through my hair, and I thought my migraine was bad before.

"Lucky for you he did." She said. "He said he will be assigning you a tutor."

"What." I said surprised. "That's it."

"Yes, that and he said you could do a couple makeup tests in a few weeks."

"How is a tutor going to help me?"

"By helping you understand the material, I thought that was obvious."

"If I can't learn from a teacher how is a student going to help?"

"Gabe just see if it helps, you do realize that if you fail you will have to go to summer school."

"Yes mom I know." Great now my head was pounding twice as much.

"Are you okay." She said, her voice going back to the sweet motherly one I'm used to.

"No, I have a migraine." I said trying to look sick and weak so she takes pity on me.

She sighs and starts digging around in her purse. "Here she says handing me a bottle. "Take a Tylenol and then get some sleep."

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