The Man

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I got home from school today. There was a gas leak and they let everyone go home 4 hours earlier. My parents were home, so I decided to crash at a friends house. I walked to my friend's house, Mike. After walking for ten minutes I finally arrived. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. I heard someone unlocking the door, and opened it. "Wassup my hawmie G? How you been? Long time no see bro." he told me. "Good to see you Mike. Can I come in? School got out early. There was a gas leak." "Sure, you know this is your place too." he replied. We both headed in and sat on the couch. Mike is seven-teen years old. He's two years older than me, I met him at a party last year. "So hows your girlfriend, Miguel? You still going out with that hot girl. What was her name again?" He told me. "Her name is Noemi, for the hundreth time." I told him. We both burst out laughing. "You want something to drink? How about a Coke?" he told me. "Yes thanks, Im really thirsty." I answered him. He walked over to the kitchen. I liked his house. The walls were white with a lot of portraits of many landscapes. He and his parents travel a lot. The floor was made out of wood and they had enormous spiral stairs in the left side cornee of the house. I walked over to the kitchen. Mike was grabbing two cokes, one for me and one for him. Mike looked older. He had brown eyes and hair. His beard was neatly done and brown too. "Aye, did you get the new video game of that zombie series?" I told him. "Duh of course I did, wanna play it? Its beast." He told me. "Of course dude!" I yelled. We ran up the stairs into his room and sat on his bed. Mike stood up and turned on his game console. He grabbed the game and placed it inside the console. I was excited to play it, everyone at school has been talking about it. We started playing for about half an hour when Mike's mom came home. "Hello boys, how are things going?" she said. "Good." we both said. "Ill start making dinner right away, you guys must be hungry. Today is a special occasion." She smiled and left to the kitchen. "Kill that zombie!" I yelled to Mike. An hour had passed. We both got defeated, and supposedly we are pros at video games. "Dinner is ready!" Mike's mom yelled. When we finally got to the dinner table, Mike's dad was already seated with her wife. "Hi Dad." Mike said. "I saw you guys playing that new game you bought son. How bout we all play it after dinner." His dad told him and me. "Yes Dad! That will be awesome!" Mike replied. We had dinner for about an hour or so, when my mom called me. "Hi mom." I said. "Miguel, where are you? What time are you getting home, it's dark outside now?" She told me. "Yeah I know mom, Im at Mike's house. Ill be there soon." I responded her. "Okay, well take care son, love you." She hanged up. We all helped Mike's mom clean up. After that us, boys, went to Mike's room to play the game. Mike's dad beat us, both of us. It was a blast. "Well I got to go now, its pretty late now." I told them both. "Do you need a ride?" Mike's dad asked me. "Oh No thanks, its okay, Im fine with walking." I said. "Well take care!" He said as i walked out the house. I started walking down the street as any normal day. It was actually colder than most days, so I thought I should take a shortcut. I walked for about five more minutes when I saw a street that i have never seen before. This might be a shortcut I thought. It was a dark ally with no lights. I started walking towards it. I finally got to the dark ally. It looked like it rained today in this part of the street. I keot walking. Everything was silent, the only thing that could be heard were my footsteps. I was walking normal speed when I heard footsteos behind me. I tunred around and got goosebumbs immediately. I wished I had never taken a shortcut. In back of me, was a man with the biggest smile just staring back at me. He was wasn't just watching me, he was following me.

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