counting down the months- written 2/8/12

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A month on and I still feel the pain

A month on and I still cry in the rain .

Two months on i'll still still cry in the rain

Two months on you'll be the embers sparking up my flame!

three months on you'll be a memory to  me

Three months on you'll make me smile once again

but three months on this all seems pretend!

Four months on we all laugh again

four months on we all  stay closely hand in hand

Five months on we  shout  loudly like a band

five months on we remember where you used to stand

six months on and im halfway there

Six months on, was that your shadow on the stairs?

Seven months on and we can start to move on

Seven months on we realise what went wrong

Eight months on and i've discovered my homeland

Eight months on you stood where I now stand

Nine months on and all fear is lost in the rubble

Nine months on , all I can feel you as is a precoius bubble

Ten months now and i still wonder why

Ten months on and I only slowly cry

Eleven months now, almost a year, I can't believe there is no fear

Twelve  months now, it has been a year since you were tossed into the dirt and taken into the unknown.


another one about my grandpa!

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