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Have a mole or wart ? Dip a cotton ball in apple

cider vinegar then rub it on.

Cant fall asleep ? Lay on your right-side then; blink quickly until your eyelids feel tired.

Got lipstick on your teeth ? Put you're finger in your mouth then pull it out. This should take access lipstick off.

Hate ads ? Put your phone on airplane mode. Itll also charge your battery !

Use clips to organize wires.

Have a boring closet? Spice things up! Cut the bottom half for a crop top or cut the sleeves off. Make it an original!

Hang purses & etc. with shower hooks.

Have an itchy throat ? Scratch your ear.

Use scholar.google.com to find information about essays, reports , etc.

Need to tell a believable lie ? Add an embarrassing detail in it.

The colder the room , the faster ya sleep.

When proofreading , say it out loud so you can catch mistakes and to help memorize.

Sad ? Smile for 60 seconds!

Wash your hair every-other 2 days or once a week!

Angry ? Write down what your problem is on a piece of paper. then , throw it away.

Shortcut to burning calories; Laughing.


Chapstick actually Does NOT help with lips. (except the medicated ones) try putting some on, then wiping it off.

Lazy day ? Put on baggy clothes!

Use ice-cubes to remove gum from hair.

Conditioner can be used fir shaving cream!

Want someone to ACTUALLY smell you ? Apply perfume:

Behind Ears & Knees <3

Inside Elbows & wrist <3

& Base Of Throat <3

White eyeshadow in the corner if your eyes will help you look more awake!

Rubbing an ice-cube on your face will reduce acne.

Use hand sanitizer to remove permanent marker stains.

need to check for bad breath ? Lick your wrist , wait 10 seconds , then smell.

Caught doing something stupid ? Say it was a bet or someone dared you.

Eating onions or making an onion hair mask will help your hair growth.

Lemons help ya lose weight.

Spraying hairspray on a bobby-pin make it have a better hold.

Drying your hair with a towel is horrible for your hair. Drying it naturally is better.

Eating food slowly will help for better digestion.

Sugar cures a burnt tongue.

Going out on a hot day ? Don't wear bracelets , hair-ties , anklets , etc. it'll create tan lines !

Listening to music at a low volume with no lyrics at all helps you have better focus on your homework.

If you suspect someones following you- take 4 right turns (this will form a circle) if they are still there , they are following you. I suggest you run as fast as you can & scream " HELP " as loud as you can.

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