I'm Tired of Eating Cup Noodles

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You can call me RIMR, and I have very recently, made some poor life choices.

I am also very tired.

I live in Brimm City, a place that's stretched along the coast of Immy Island with the ocean that surrounds us being at one point some hot-ticket tourist spot thanks to the emerald colored salt water and our colorful glowing seashells.

Thanks to modern science, about two decades ago it was discovered that the glow of these seashells were created by this weird chemical reaction caused by the sea water mixing with radiation found embedded the beach sand.

Now, of course, there were other adverse side effects this phenomenon that had forced itself on this bustling city.

It spiked a major divide within our society as a whole and caused one Hell of a monopoly.

I'm here to tell you first hand that it wasn't a fair split.

My hometown had become the birthplace of people with superpowers.

When the outbreak had initially started the mutations were rare. A few people here and there gaining a few minor abilities. It usually effected those in their early twenties and maybe a handful of kids that shown signs. But adults who were already in their mid twenties and early thirties stayed unchanged.

Eventually, the ones who adopted powers started their own families and suddenly locals had a higher chance of being born with absurdly helpful gifts, and that trait became the backbone of my hometown. Which in all fairness sounds pretty dope until you think about the families that don't have an acquired super gift.

Suddenly, you wake up plunged into the new definition of poverty.

There was no longer a line you'd have to cross to get there. You're either useful to this city, or you're not. That's where you'll find me.

Okay, so, this change obviously wasn't abrupt. No one really noticed it happening until it all started happening at once. All thanks to one of the two most powerful men that taken a leading role in the city's new economy since the realization had hit, wealthy Mr. Simon Druett.

That man had practically advertised the genetic change within the city, seemingly out of nowhere. Some would argue that he was the one who funded a good chunk of the scientists who discovered it and was probably one of the first to know about it. Because of him, everything had actally changed practically overnight.

There is no other city like Brimm City, if you need someone with a particular power, this is the place to get it and because of this, our economy thrives on outsourced work. The Super lifestyle is practically considered normal nowadays, even though it wasn't even that long ago.

Sooo noooooow, you're either a Super or a Civie (Civilian). A person to boost the economy, or hinder it, a big yikes.

Again, obviously, I'm a Civie and let me tell you, it fucking bites. No one wants to hire you or have you attend theIR COLLEGE UNLESS YOU HAVE SOME SORT OF STUPID POWER. I spent the last two years of high school doing some tedious temp jobs and barely surviving off of microwave ramen and Sunny D and if I had to eat ONE MORE HOT POCKET I WOULD'VE ENDED THIS CITY.

I eventually befriended my now current roommate, Eddie. He's a pyro Super and because he's a lil fire ant, we were able to get a somewhat decent apartment together... But even then the landlord was skeptical about allowing me on the lease. He made it a point have us pay three months in advance on rent, fully aware of the fact Civies like me can rarely find any line of work.

We had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for about 7 months but we're making it. Now we have a routine and Eddie had recently received an acceptance letter to intern one of the two biggest Super businesses in the city, so he's doing well for himself. I'm pretty proud of him.

As for me, I spent my time doing various essays, mid-term papers, dissertations, online tests, etc for paying Supers. I set my own prices and honestly, it'll probably be the closest thing I'll ever get to a decent college education.

RIMR is my online alias and signature. I've built up a pretty good reputation with it and some of the more prestigious Super students. Which translates to me charging more per assignment.

People had even begun making theories online about my backstory and I took the most plausible one and just ran with it. I had set up a strict work schedule, made sure I didn't get greedy and only stick with one-off assignments and working until I got to a predetermined amount of money I needed to survive the month. I had crossed all my t's and dotted all my i's. I'm just a Civie trying to make it in a world of Supers.

Now, I could be heading to jail soon and Eddie might be joining me.

I don't really know yet.

But Eddie had nothing to do with this. He's just being used as a bargaining chip.

I mean a Civie like me was never going to make it at a City like Brimm.

Not everyone with superpowers is the good guys.

I know you're reading this-



I just wanted was to pay my rent on time and not eat like junk for every meal.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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All I wanted to do, was Pay My Rent on TimeWhere stories live. Discover now