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I made my way through the busy school hallways, making a bee-line for the cafeteria. The lunch lines always got crowded within the first minute of students being released from their classes. I was in a fairly good mood today; my previous class had been English, my absolute favorite. We had presented a scene from the book we were reading in class, and it had been really fun. I wasn't necessarily the best actress, but I had really gotten into this book and the whole significance of the scene. 

I finally broke into the cafeteria room and, still walking towards the lunch lines, skimmed my eyes over the tables, looking for my friends. I spotted them at one of the longer tables towards a corner. There was Alice, Calyn, Jane, and Lizzy, who all looked to be in the middle of an intense converstation. I rolled my eyes at my friends and bought my food, hurrying over to an empty seat next to Alice. It seemed like the conversation had been an argument, because everyone was glaring at each other. Calyn tried to fake a smile in my direction. "Hey, Bryn," she said half-heartedly. I raised my eyebrows. "Okay, what happened? You guys look like you're about to kill each other." 

I should've kept my mouth shut and eaten my salad in silence, because as soon as the words were out of my mouth, everyone began shouting and explaining why their side of the argument was justified, etc. I eventually just tuned them all out, and decided to look around the room out of boredom. My eyes of course had to land on the one person who barely knew I exist; Jason Woods, the king of the school, the boy every girl seemed to have a crush on. Even now, Jason's little possy seemed to be absorbed in whatever he was saying, as if their lives depended on listening to him. Apparently I had been staring for a little too long, because Alice nudged my shoulder. Startled, I turned to her and said shakily, "Wh-What?" Alice just made a weird face and looked behind me. "Who were you- Oh." Her eyes turned from a look of gentleness to a look of anger. "It makes you mad, doesn't it? That he has all of those people waiting on him, hand and foot, when he didn't even do anything to-" "Alice. Stop. He's just a guy." Calyn's voice interrupted Alice's rant, a look of understanding and apology written all over her face. 

I smiled sadly back at her. I turned once more to glance back at Jason, only to find his bright blue eyes staring right at me curiously. I felt my face heat up in an instant, and looked back at my tray, shoveling lettuce into my mouth. 

Out of all the guys in the world, the universe had to make me have feelings for a certain curly, dark-haired boy with blue eyes named Jason. The boy who was impossible to get. 

Or that's what I had believed, until now.

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