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chan has walked in on many different things when it comes to the 3racha studio - but jisung forcing changbin into somewhat of a cuddling position is not one of them.

'hey hyung! we've made no progress.' changbin huffs and forces one of jisung's arms off him again. 'jisung, you weren't supposed to tell him that dumbass.'

chan sighs and pulls jisung into his arms, allowing changbin to escape. he makes a quick dash for the spinny chair behind the australian, sticking his tongue out at jisung for good measure.

'sungie, if i put you down, will you leave binnie alone?' the youngest rolls his eyes before pushing chan's arms off him. he falls onto the floor with a thump and a cross of his arms.

'ignoring that - how was felix? did he get his essay done?' chan whirls around so quick that changbin pushes his chair back just in case something will happen.

'you knew about his essay? and you didn't think to text me?' the dark rapper's eyebrows furrow at the question.

'i sent him a reminder. he replied back that he was working on it.' the oldest huffs and plops down onto the couch. 'sorry, hyung. i didn't know it had anything to do with you.'

'felix talked chan hyung into watching a movie with him in order to procrastinate doing his essay. as of,' jisung picks up his phone from the glass table in the middle of the three and clicks it on, 'four o'clock today he hadn't worked on it at all.'

'oh. well he's not getting cuddles tonight.'

chan laughs, quickly covering his mouth when the dark rapper sends him a glare.

jisung grins, 'ohh! so scary! he'll probably just go to woojin hyung and sweet talk his way in.' if chan's look was a glare then jisung's was a kill shot. they stifle back giggles as changbin scoots his way over to the computer. he clicks off the classical music that had been playing in the background and shuts it down before pushing his way back over.

'so, are we gonna work? because jisung-ah wasn't lying when he said we got nothing done. he's been trying to force me to cuddle for the past two hours.' chan pinches changbin's cheek and coos, 'oh you poor baby. you've been through sooooo much. however could you survive?!'

the shortest flushes dark and pushes his hand away, shoving all of their shared notebooks onto the table.

'lets get to work.'

'jisung. get up.' chan pushes at the youngest's leg with his foot.

changbin is slouching against the doorframe with his hood covering his face, but chan can tell he's almost back asleep. jisung crashed way before the other two, his final mumblings were something about having to turn something in before eleven tonight and to wake him up before hand. so much for that.

'jisung-ah. it's almost two in the morning.' jisung blinks his eyes open.

'why's it two?' chan takes a bit to understand what the younger had asked, but with a click of his tongue he finally gets it. 'we all fell asleep. we need to get back to the dorm quickly because woojin hyung is still blowing my phone up.'

jisung nods and raises his arms, looking up at chan expectantly.

"oh christ. changbin!" said boy pushes his head back so fast that he hits the door. he groans lowly before looking up at the australian.


'help me with jisung.' with a few more buzzes of his phone in his pocket, he adds, 'we need to be home. now.'

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