Wattpad Must Reads

9.1K 26 9

I like to say I know a good book when I see one, and sometimes I fall in love with the book so much that I just want to share it to the world... even if the world must already know it. 

That's why I decided that I would "recommend" Wattspad's greatest stories, the ones I have read anyway. I usually like stories that are laced with romance, humor and sometimes teen fiction. I love the visual appeal of the cover and the nice pulling description on the side. 

Anyways, this is going to be my list of Wattpad Must Reads, please vote if you agree with me on a certain story, just to see which one is more popular among the public ,ya know, not for Watty awards or anything cause I can't really enter this in any awards.... And also, I sort of ran out of stories to read. Please send me a message if you have a good one to recommend. *ALERT*, if it's a story written by you it will be fishy and I will think you are just recommending it to get reads. 

Please Enjoy. 

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