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Now that I've been crying over KOA, time to return to this fanfic. Wow. I'm a bit dead inside.

Despite our differences, we all seemed to be getting more comfortable with one another as each day passed. Some nights this place felt almost like home-- though being with my family certainly helped in that department.

Each day, our interactions brought us closer together, and our forced alliance was doing us more good that I could have ever hoped. It brought my sisters and I closer together, too. I found myself gravitating toward them often, and while we didn't have the best bond, all three of us were working on it.

Nesta was caught up in her books, Elain in her storytelling, and I in braiding Elain's hair when Azriel suddenly stood up and walked across the room. I didn't pay much attention; I was too busy braiding while Elain talked animatedly about the task she'd completed a few hours before, provided by Lysandra. My sister was becoming quite the diplomat. Both of them were.

They seemed more alive here, in Terrasen, even if we were prisoners in a gilded cage. And it was because of them that I never complained or put up a fight when Rowan or someone else decided to put us to work on something.

I finished braiding Elain's hair and continued to listen to her tale, but my eyes strayed to Rhys before long and stayed there. I watched his every move, entranced by it. Eventually, Elain's voice silenced as she finished her story, but I barely noticed.

I was still studying Rhys when he glanced at me and silently invited me over. I blinked, snapping out of whatever trance I'd been in, and noticed Azriel with him for the first time. Anxiety made my muscles tense. What had he learned?

I didn't bother to look at Tamlin. Rhys and I both decided it was time to stop pretending. I rose from my spot next to Elain, who was staring shyly in their direction as well. For a confusing moment I thought she was staring at Rhys-- but then I realized with a suppressed smile that she was staring directly at the Shadowsinger.

I couldn't help but glance at Lucien, who was studying her quietly, eyes flicking between her and Azriel with a frown, shoulders rigid.

Great. I feverently hoped there wouldn't be a fight later on.

I reached Azriel and Rhys at that corner again. "What have you found?" I asked, both eager to know and wishing I never would have to.

"We're all going together," Azriel told Rhys and I, arms folded over his chest, leaving his siphons to gleam in the light. "Everyone, except Amren. She's going with Manon's group. They're searching for the female." He frowned. "When Manon and Rowan were arguing, Rowan mentioned he was sending Galan because he was the prisoner's family."

"And?" I pressed.

"Well, Manon told him he could send himself or Aedion if he wanted family. She was very hostile about it, too. She doesn't like Galan, nor does she like me. I don't think Manon is a fan of change-- and before now, I doubt she even knew he existed." Which meant this female was important enough to bring a lot of strangers together-- even ones like Manon. She was part of this willingly, and could back out the moment Rowan upset her too thoroughly. So why hadn't she?

"Wait, so Aedion, Galan, and Rowan are related to this female?" Rhys asked, snapping me out of my speculation. Surprise lit his violet eyes. "They look nothing alike."

"Aedion and Galan have the same eyes," I pointed out. "That's something." But I had no defense for the white-haired, tattooed warrior. Rhys was right; they didn't look all that similar. But that didn't necessarily mean they weren't family. "And maybe Rowan isn't blood-related-- or so distantly related that it's not really noticeable."

"True," he conceded. I felt eyes on us and glanced back to see Tamlin watching us with his jaw set and eyes narrowed. I looked away as Rhys added, "What else? Anything?"

"I have a name," Azriel offered.

"The female's?" Rhys checked.

"Who else? Her name is Aelin, and she's been captured by someone, or something, named Maeve."

Tamlin must have been listening in as well as staring, because his eyes widened at the name and his gaze snapped to us. "Maeve? Did I just hear you correctly?" He got to his feet and strode toward us, seemingly unaware of everyone's eyes on him.

"Yes," Rhys replied with a frown. "What about it?"

Tamlin's brows furrowed as he paused a few feet away-- hesitant to get within three feet of us. "Hybern used to mention the name all the time. Whatever he's got planned, he hasn't been doing it without her. And if she's pulling the strings here..."  He stopped. I had no idea if it was because he didn't want to give away information, or if it was because he didn't know. "We have to be careful," he said.

"We will," Cassian replied, standing, too. "It's that or death, and I don't think any of us feel like dying."

I looked around at them all and found they all seemed to agree, for once.

"Alright," Rhys said. "Then we'll--"

He broke off as the door unlocked, and we all looked to the person who had opened it. Rowan stood on the other side. "Get ready. We leave in a few hours," he said, and turned away. "Amren, either Aedion or Manon will come by later for you," he called over his shoulder. No explanation, nothing to tell us why or where we were going...

I glanced at Rhys. He knew. Somehow, he'd known we'd been watching him and listening in on his conversations. But how?

DISCONTINUED A Court of Blood and Night RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now