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Liked by frankiero, peteywentz and 1,429 others

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Liked by frankiero, peteywentz and 1,429 others

@frankiero see u at 6 x


username: every girl needs a red haired boyfriend x
peteywentz: @username where the fuck have u heard that?? ik gee is adorable but dont make up weird lies
mikeyway: @peteywentz :((((
peteywentz: @mikeyway ...but mikey is more adorable and is mine 💓
mikeyway: @peteywentz :))))
geeway: @username oh honey, im gay
mikeyway: @geeway so gay
patrickStump: so we r all going to ignore the caption...
peteywentz: wait wHAT
peteywentz: @frankiero answer me nOW
mikeyway: fucking knew frank was gay
rayYtoro: u two r going on a dAtE
frankiero: @rayYtoro its not a date
geeway: @frankiero ;)

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