Chapter 1

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I stepped out onto the balcony of my ice castle. "Finally I'm alone," I murmured to myself.

Everything has been so hectic since Anna and Kristoff's wedding. Now they are on their honey moon to who knows where, doing who knows what.

I had been standing there on my balcony looking into the horizon for about an hour. Suddenly, I was jolted out of my deep thought due to the chill from the icy railing. Normally the cold doesn't bother me.

I had so many thoughts racing through my head I don't even know how to process all of them.

There was a knock on the door. Who could it be? How would they know I'm here? Whatever.

I ran down the stairs, and opened the door.

"HANS!" I screamed and ran back up the stairs,"What are you doing here."

I started to shoot snowballs at him.

"Elsa", Hans shouted at me,"don't be the monster they fear you are."

Slowly I let my hand melt to my side, and again I said,"What are you doing here?" This time with more rage.

"I-I", Hans shuddered as if he didn't know what to say,"I'm here to apologize."

"There is nothing to apologize for, just leave me be." I ran back to the balcony hoping Hans wouldn't follow me even though I knew he would.

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