Chapter 6: Hi Dad

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" father?" I said in total shock. I couldn't believe the information I was hearing. My own father killed my mother? Why would he do that? "You're lying!". "No, Zenia! I'm not. Roland killed your mother because he was very overprotective. He didn't want to lose her". "So he killed her instead? That doesn't make any sense".

"Zenia, I am telling you the truth". "OK, fine. I believe you". "Right before she died she asked me to take care of you, so I did. Can we please go back to being a family again?".

The doorbell rung. My mom went to answer it and it was officer Watson. "Larry?" my mom said after she opened the door. "Angie?". "Larry! Why are you here?". "Well, we searched Mr. Garnet and we found Zenia's phone. I'm here to return it".

"Wait, you two know each other?" I asked. "Zenia, this is the cop that locked up Roland, your father". "Really? Officer Watson, can I talk to you? In private?". "Sure".

Officer Larry came in the house, but before he stepped foot, my mother whispered to him. I had already went into the kitchen. She said, "Don't tell her Larry. I'm warning you". He then proceeded to the kitchen to talk to me.

"Um, officer I...I just want to know if I am able to see my father?". "Well, you have to be at least eighteen or older to go alone". "But, I don't want to go with my mom. Please officer, is it possible you can pull some strings?". "Zenia I...". "Please?".

It was silent for a while. Officer Larry had to think about it for a minute. "Well, I guess I can pull something together". "Thank you so much! Really". "OK this Saturday, come by Dooly State Prison. Visiting hours are from 9am to 5pm. Please be there on time". "I will, thank you thank you thank you".

I hugged officer Larry. I wanted to meet my dad and get answers about everything. The next day I went to school. Ken and I were at our lockers talking until Deandre walked up to us.

"Hey babe," he kisses me on the cheek and gives me a hug. "How you been?". "Wouldn't you like to know". "I would, but not right now. I'm on my way to coach's office". "Really D?". "Yea, I'll catch up with you later".

He walked away and Ken turned to talk to me. "You need to dump him. I mean it's obvious he acts like he doesn't care about you". "I know I know. But, you don't really think we should break up do you?". "Hell yea!". "But, he's just all about basketball that's all".

"Zee, he hasn't tried looking for you, called you, wondered where you were, or even cared to wonder. Do him a favor and let his ass go". "I'm not gonna make him choose between me and basketball. I feel like it's wrong". "Look, all I know is that if my girlfriend was in a life or death situation, I'd throw down my ball and go get her".

The conversation ended after that. We went to our classes and by lunch I met up with her again along with Tre. "Hey ladies. How you doing Zee?". "Wouldn't you like to know". "I would. Tell me". "Well, I'm good what about you?".

"Better. Hey Ken, you left some condoms in my car. Why you have them, I don't know, but now my mom thinks I'm having sex". "Ken, why do you have condoms?". "Cause I met somebody. I ain't trying to get pregnant again!". "Again?". "Oh you ain't know?" Ken said.

"I'm gonna leave. You two have fun". "Bye". Tre left and the bell rung. During math, Deandre didn't come to class at all. I was surprisingly happy not to see him. Maybe what Ken was saying was right. He acts like he doesn't care so maybe I should dump him.

There were two days left until spring break. After that, it'll be graduation soon. After school, I was at my locker until Tre asked to hang out. "You wanna hang out with me?", I asked him. "I mean, yea. Make sure you get home safe and stuff". "I guess".

We walked outside and Deandre was there with his jersey and shorts on. "Hey, babe where you going?". "Tre's taking me home". "Actually we were going to the mall and then I'm taking her home. But that's none of your business".

"This is my girlfriend so it is my business". "Well, was she your business when she was taken by some dude? Was she your business when she went missing? Or was she your business when...". "Tre, that's enough". "Wait babe, you were taken? When was this? Why didn't you tell me?".

"Well, I tried but you were always busy". "Porter! Get your ass over here and get on the bus," Coach said. "Well, I gotta go". "Of course you do," Trevor said. Deandre left and got on the bus.

Tre and I headed to his car and went to the mall. "Why were you talking to him like that?". "Zee, don't start". "No! I'm gonna start. What did he do to you?". "He has you". "What do you mean?". "Zee, I want you. We know that. But as long as he has you, I can't. I don't fuck with him. Plus, he treats you wrong".

"No, he treats me right". "If I had you, I'd treat you better". Tre definitely had me thinking that night. Was D treating me wrong? Later that night I thought about it and decided to call Ken. Of course she agreed with Tre.

When Saturday came, it was time to meet my father for the first time. Officer Watson called me at 6am to tell me to be at the prison by nine. When 7:30 came, I had left the house, anxious, nervous, yet happy to meet my father.

I arrived at the prison around 8:43am. They didn't open the door until it was nine on the dot. "Name," the receptionist said. "Zenia Carter". "And who are you here to see?". "Roland Carter". "Age". "Seventeen". "Sorry, you have to be eighteen or older to visit alone". "But,". "No buts mam, please leave".

Where is officer Watson when you need him? I slowly turned to walk away until finally he showed up. "Zenia! Where are you going?". "The lady said I had to be eighteen". "Let me handle this".

I had been waiting about twenty minutes to see my father. Officer Watson told the lady that I was with him. She checked my I.D. and everything and soon I was able to visit. Officer Larry sat me down in a room full of families visiting their loved ones.

I have to admit that I was so nervous that I wanted to walk out. After waiting about ten minutes, I did. I grabbed my bag and started to walk out. That was until he said my name. "Zenia?"....

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