My two pretty different roommates

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Roommates seem like an essential part of college students' life. They can bring to you a glorious color to your life, and they seem like another family of yours. You probably spend more time with them than with yours real family. But sometimes roommates can drive you to the edge.

After struggling to find accommodation to get ready to school for a month, I finally decided to spend the next four years of college with two of my old friends in high school. When I first came to the department we would share together, I had a bit regret of my decision. This is a tiny room on the second floor of a house. It was actually too small for three people to live in. It is only 15m2 in width. When I stepped in I was surprised because the room had nothing more than a wood carpet to sleep and an old closet made of cloth. But then I thought my own life is really on, and I started to feel independent from there on. I talked to myself that I would make my own world there. It sounded fascinating, but it was not easy in fact. My own world didn't fit with my roommates. They did had their own world too. Each of them had some special characteristics I want to share and I wonder if your roommates are the same as me or not.

First is Linh. I have to admit that she is a little bit more mature than the two of us. She acted exactly the same as my mom. She always gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning even though in the winter. I don't know what she did until 6 oclock she wake us up and prepare for breakfast. It is not a fast breakfast, she cooks rice and some dishes very carefully. As the result, every day I walk to school with a full stomach. Moreover, every time I want to quit my class for some kind of reasons that's not suitable she doesn't let me do that. Although it's me who makes my decision but if I try to do it on purpose, she will grouch on me all that day. So I usually choose to go to school rather than stay at home and hear her grumble. The worst thing about her is that she is too studious. Every evening, just after having dinner and receipt a call from her family she always sits quietly in front of the table and study until late. She is always surrounded by books and documents. Looking at that scene, I bet you would feel so guilty if you don't do something like studying or reading instead of wasting time in some videos or something that I usually do when I am not around with her. She even reminds me when I get distracted from studying. I am also a bit lazy and she always orders me to do housework. I a bit irritate when she says "clean the bathroom." , "sweep the floor My."... I deeply know it is good for me but the my definition of independence is no longer existed. Anyway time passes by very quick I am actually get used to with her,

My other roommate is Anh. Both her appearance and characteristic is in adverse with Linh's. I can say that she is the smallest, laziest but smartest girl in my house. If you meet her for the first time, you will never tell her as a college student. With her limited height, chubby cheeks and round starry eyes, she actually looks like a secondary school students. If I consider linh as my mom, Anh seems like my younger sister. And I never like to have a younger sister. Fortunately, I don't. Anh usually choose the 'fastest' way to do something. It sounds reasonable but not always. For example, when she puts on new clothes that was washed for the first day, she wouldn't wash it again after wearing, she hangs it and sometimes she doesn't. she would wear them at another next day. I can see her clothes everywhere in the room. Moreover, she doesn't like to put her books and notebooks away after studying. She said it wasted time, why should we do that then we had to take them out again every day. I sometimes become speechless with her, but maybe it actually wastes her time because she spent all the time in sleeping and studying. She's very smart. She doesn't study as much as Linh but her grade was very good and it is highest in three of us. In short, Anh has both good and bad characters, but if I can choose my roommates again I still choose her because I like the feeling of needing to protect someone especially someone cute and small like her.

I have good day and bad day too, but they still accept that. We bring lots of smiles and fun to each other although sometimes we have a bit argument. We always like to catch each other funny and ugly moments to post in a secret group. And whenever we watched it we always burst into laugh. Moreover, living with a studious bee like Linh and a smart one like Anh, I have learned a lot from them. Hope that I could stay with them until the end of college.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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