C1 : Miserable

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I sighed, opening my notebook. It was such a miserable day for all of us.

The day after we five got out of HH. "Hey Shinozaki." Yoshiki said, coming over to me.

"Hi." I responded. "Erm, what you doing?" He asks, as I close my notebook.

I open my locker, putting the notebook in there.

"Well Kishinuma, what do you think?" I ask, raising my eyebrows slightly.

He puts his hand on his cheek, sighing.

"Are you okay.." He mumbled. I look at him, frowning now.

I growl slightly. "What do you think Kishinuma!"

"Oh.. Sorry.." Yoshiki says quietly.

I shrugged. "Whatever, Kishinuma." I walk off, as the bell rings.

After Class

I walked out of the doorway of the classroom, Yoshiki already beside me.

"Do you want to sit by me at lun-" I cut him off. "I have plans." I say.

I go to my locker, leaning against it. Yoshiki stands beside me. "Erm, Shinozaki.." He questioned.


The blue haired girl looked at me, with her eyebrows slightly down.

"I think I, er." I mumbled. "What!" Ayumi snapped, but then sighing afterwards.

I couldn't confess. Instead, I was a complete idiot. Like I always am.

Everybody looked round at us, frowning. "What's going on.." I heard whispers. I sighed.

Because I was tall, I bent down a little. "Kishinuma, what are you doi-"

I put my lips on her lips, a little forcefully, but gentle too. The other students laughed. A girl pointed, giggling.

Ayumi pushed me. "What are you doing!" She growls. The students laughed even harder.

Naomi frowned. I went bright red. A guy who used to bully me, still does really, Dukoi, chuckled loudly.

His girlfriend kissed him on the cheek. He raised an eyebrow at Ayumi, he does that at all pretty girls.

I frowned at him. He looked at me, still laughing a little.

"You'll never get a girlfriend Kishinuma!" Laughed Dukoi. He walked towards me.

Ayumi was bright pink. Everybody loved Dukoi because he was handsome. All the girls were fighting over him.

"Haha, Kishinuma is so ugly!" He laughed. I growled. "Ooh, Kishinuma's feisty!" Everybody laughed loudly.

I clenched my fists. "Fight me. Kishinuma, kid." Dukoi chuckled. "I'm not a kid!" I yelled, pouncing on him.

Ayumi gasped, as I punched him. Satoshi ran towards us. "Yoshiki, stop!" He shouted.

Dukoi punched my stomach, and then my face causing my nose to bleed. "Urgh!" I gasped. "Is this your boyfriend, Kishinuma ?!"

He yelled. "NO!" I shouted. The teachers ran down the hallway, grabbing my arms. They pulled me off Dukoi.

"Ouch. He hurt me. I didn't do anything." Dukoi says. I frowned at him. "What?" I gasped. Ayumi sat there, speechless.


I can't believe he did that.. Why Yoshiki? Why did you need to do that?!

He looked at me sadly. I didn't want trouble. After all, I'm the class rep. I just watched him walk away with the teachers.

I watched. Dukoi lie.

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