Day 27!!!!

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Q: How do you feel about the One Direction fanbase?

A: I still dont really know exactly what this is asking so... im just gonna wing it! if you want to just skip to the nicer things i say about the fandome, go to the last page (if it even goes into a  page) or like second to last page or whatever.

Okay, as for how many fans, I think they have plenty! haha, they have so many, and its so amazing!

as for the fandome... idk man... i really dont care if you guys comment nasty things about what im going to say, but im sorta done with this fandome... 95% of it is repulsive, with completely inapropriate fanfics, and things being said, and the fans taking things like Larry Stylinson too far, to the point where the boys cant even act like themselves around each other, in public. I mean, come on! I love to have a laugh about Larry, but when people try to say its completely REAL i wanna slap someone. LOUIS HAS A GIRLFRIEND! A completely gorgeous girlfriend! Therefor, he is not gay, and Larry isnt REAL! Yes, they have their moments, but they are boys. Boys will be inapropriate, and touch each other and stuff! ALL boys do it! Hate to say it, but my 4 year old brother does it sometimes at his pre-school with his friends that have older brothers. They sometimes touch each other. Is my brother gay for touching other boys penis's through their pants? No. He is most deffinitly not. He looks at girls, and says they're hot. 

Anyway, back to the fandome. It's also completely horrible how 'fans' say nasty things about Niall. He acctually said, "At about every signing, there is one or two girls who come up to me and tell me I'm ugly, and that I shouldnt be in One Direction." 

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Niall and ugly seriously shouldnt EVER be used in the same sentence. And the fact that they said he shouldnt be in One Direction? ONE DIRECTION WOULDNT BE ONE DIRECTION WITHOUT THE LEPRECHAUN! It breaks my heart knowing that Niall has changed to try to fit the 'image' of One Direction. I know he says that he was planning on getting braces and whatever, but in my heart, i know that he was also sorta forced to, or else he would be getting way to much hate. 

Now onto things the fans say about Louis. 

The fandome makes jokes about Louis being the Sassmasta from Doncasta, and he is, but when it gets to the point where the 'fans' think he's a bitch? Nah, man. Just no. Louis is a bitch when it comes to protecting the people he loves, and his fans. I'm going to copy and paste this story from tumblr, and i want you to read it. IT IS NOT MINE! THIS DID NOT HAPPEN TO ME! I READ IT ON TUMBLR! Alright:

someone sent me a story about what happened when she met Louis, and this really touched me. most people think Louis is a bitch because of his sassiness and how he protects Eleanor, but i want everyone to read this. Louis isn’t the bitch you think he is. Credit goes to everything1d-x for the story and styleshands for the graphic

so im going to write something, its random, but i want people to know my story and i feel like youd be the one to actually help me. idk if youll post this or even read it but it would mean a lot. you could put this as anon if you do read it, because this isnt about getting followers for me. anyways, this story is about when i met louis. i met him at a signing here in america, along with the other boys. my friend got a wristband and decided to take me. my friend that took me was my only friend at the time, but she was extremely popular so i was shocked when she said i could go. naturally all of her friends disliked me already and they all disliked me even more. the days leading up to the signing they were sending me death threats, making rumors about me and tons of stuff. they were just making me absolutely miserable, but i didnt care because i was going to meet the boys. once we got there we were literally one of the last people there. so we had to wait in the line for a long time. and to make matters worse the girls who were picking on me DID have wristbands too that they bought off somebody and were right behind us in line. the whole time they were talking loudly about me, making bets that the boys would throw up when they saw me and just a bunch of mean stuff. they carried on literallly the whole time! my friend told them they needed to grow up and shut their mouths but they just went on and said things about her too and started saying we were lesbian for each other. anyways, once we got towards the front of the line things were a bit more quieter because the number of girls there was smaller. my friend and i were waiting to next and the girls kept saying more and more shit, and i was trying my best not to cry but i couldnt help but let a tear fall. when the security guard said we could go the girls both shouted “dont make the boys throw up you ugly ass dog” and they kept calling me more names. louis was in the middle and i noticed louis look up at the girls and to me as i started to meet the other boys. once i got to louis he looked at me and said “were they talking to you?” i nodded my head and looked down while louis looked over to the girls next to me meeting the other boys. he smiled at me, took my hand and said louder then what was necessary “you are very beautiful, dont let no one tell you other wise” the security was pushing us to keep going but louis held onto my hand and quickly said “do you have a twitter?” i told him i did and he said “whats your twitter babe so i can follow you?” i told him my twitter and he wrote it down, then he let me go so i could see the last two boys. when i was finishing up i glanced over and saw louis denying the gift one of the two girls was offering him. once i got to the line i looked back at the boys and louis was smiling and waving goodbye to me. thats my story of meeting the boys, well louis, and im sharing this because im tired of people bad mouthing louis all the time. louis is not mean to people. he just does not respect those who are rude or disrespectful to him, the ones he loves, and his REAL fans. louis has a heart of gold and i genuinely love him for what he did for me.

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