} Chapter 2 {

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The above picture is Francisco Lachowski playing Kamren Wilde.

Cerina POV

Today, like any other, was filled with reading.

Putting down my newest read, The Darkest Minds, I check the clock and see that it's 11:00pm. Time flies when you're having fun. With that thought, I get ready to fall asleep when I hear shouting. Heading to my door, I hear my parents yelling at eachother on the other side. Opening my door a crack, I peer out to see my father dressed in his daily black formal wear and my mother in her nightgown

What could they be fighting about this late at night? I shift my head so my ear is closer to the door to try to hear better.

"There is something wrong with her! She isn't like anyone else her age, she wastes her days away reading and never comes out of her room. It's like my little life-filled girl doesn't exist anymore, what are we going to do with her?" My father spat harshly towards my mother, his hands flailing around to express his irritation. I feel a pang of pain in my chest as I comprehend his words.

"Maybe she would be normal if she actually had her dad around instead of him worrying more about his precious money. She claims she sees dead people, Charles! Dead people of all things she could've claimed to see, maybe we should get her help? Like a therapist?" My mother questions as if considering the bizarre thought.

Would they really send me to a therapist? Do they really think I'm delusional? I ponder sadly as I quietly shut my door and creep back to bed for a nights sleep. Darkness fills my room as the hall light is shut off, my parents have called it quits for the argument, and while the darkness fills my vision, one last thought comes to mind. I'm not normal, am I?


My school alarm blares, waking me from my peaceful slumber but before I could reach my hand out from under the warm blanket and into the cold, crisp morning air, I hear a cry. Now though it was faint, it was there and definitely wasn't part of my imagination. Peeking out from under my covers which I had just hid my head under from the unexpected noise, I see a young girl standing by my door. She looked like any young girl; her pigtails done perfectly, not a hair out of line and her bright green eyes wide as she stared at me from her spot as if not expecting me to react. Though she didn't seem to be any older than 14, she looks much younger. 

"Hello? What are you doing in my room?" I question sleepily, too tired to be afraid as I stretch my arms, the cracks indicating that they were stiff from my previous slumber.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me, Sherlock." She huffed through her shut mouth, although creepy, a pout still graced her lips.

"Well you're the one that's supposed to show me your story, Watson." I retort, crossing my arms at her sarcastic response. I understand she's a little girl but is she a long lost cousin of mine with that level of sarcasm?

"Well I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I've never done this before!" She exclaims, throwing her little arms in the air. She walks over to my desk chair and plops down hard on it before looking back over at me, "If I'm gonna be here for a while then I might as well get comfy." and with that, she tosses her feet up onto my desk, crossing them as she goes.

"Hey! Get your feet off my desk, munchkin, if you get dirt on that then my mother will kill me." I demanded, throwing a glare over my shoulder on the way to my closet. Just as I reach the door, I stop dead in my tracks, my jaw slack as I come to a realization. Wait a minute, she can speak? They never speak. Slowly turning back towards the desk, I shut my mouth.

"How can you talk?" I question, awestruck at the fact she is able to do something that has never occurred before.

"I don't know, one moment I'm riding my  bike down the street and the next moment I'm here watching you sleep. You drool by the way." She responds while pointing at the corner of her own mouth with a wink.

"O-okay," I stumble, attempting to put together a proper thought. "This is getting to weird for me and I need to head to school before I'm late."

Continuing my way through the closet door, I decide on a black band tee and light acid-wash jeans with a pair of black doc martins. I smile as I remember that my mother was gone to the salon this morning meaning no one is here to stop me from wearing my normal clothes. In this house, this outfit is considered contraband. Turning and going back to my bedroom, I look at the clock and realize I'm going to be late. Grabbing my backpack, I rush to the door with my keys in hand. I lock the door, turning around only to let loose a deep sigh and stop in my tracks. Though I know they're there, I will never get used to the sight of them wandering the streets like lost puppies. Some wear frowns while others pleasantly smile at me but either way, the stares never leave. Rushing to my car, I unlock it, get in and rush to school, forgetting all about the young teenager currently rummaging through my room for the answer to why she was there with the only thought on my mind being late to math.


"Ugh" I groan as my head hits the desk and my hand tightly clenches the pink slip in my hand. Detention had always been my least favourite place in the school, though math is currently heading for first place. Detention is held in the basement, a hidden room behind the theater. A room with no windows and no images usually but lots of high schoolers. But the worst part of it all is they call your parents. I go to one of the richest public schools around thanks to my parents sponsoring the school which means when the child gets detention, they're called immediately. At their request.

"Do you have anything educational to add to this lesson Ms. Everlee or would you like another detention for disruption of class? Bad enough you were late by 20 minutes but now you feel the need to disrupt the other-" but before Ms. Lynn could finish her lecture, the principal walks in effectively quieting her.

"Good morning class. Sorry to interrupt but we have a new student that will be joining your calculus class. Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Kamren Wilde. Come on in, Kamren." Mr. Everett announces and in walks Mr. Grumpypants himself. Unable to keep the look of disgust from falling onto my stone face, I look back down at the picture I was drawing. Since I began to see the people, I started to draw their stories as a way to tell without speaking so I would not have to deal with the insults that my parents provide at any moment they are able. The one I'm currently working on is the one from the girl yesterday. The water spilling out of the bathtub onto the floor as a girl desperately tries to be set free of the force keeping her under. Though saddening, it also calms me.

Looking back up after a few minutes to check the clock, I feel a chill though not like the ones I get when someone comes, this feels like someone is watching me. Turning my eyes to the right, I meet a pair of grey ones set in a cold stare. I hold his gaze for a moment, only to be broken out of the trance when I hear the bell blare in the background officially ending the day. As I return home, I head up stairs to my room noticing the young girl gone and my eyes exhausted from staying open. My bed seems to invite me to its warm embrace and I accept it, walking over and plopping onto it. Darkness comes over me and I finally drift off to a restless slumber.


Word count: 1417

Hey guys, I know it's been about a year, maybe two and that my writing skills have diminished but I'm back to finish it. I feel like since its quarantine I got nothing  but time so why not.

If you see any mistakes please let me know. I  will fix those as well as any I see when I get the time and let me know any constructive criticism, I can always do better!

Give me three days for a new update (:


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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