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UMBRIDGE'S NEW DECREE that declared all organizations in Hogwarts were disbanded unless approved by her was taking a toll on all four houses. Camille was ready to speak to Harry about it at breakfast while Fred and George occupied her until his arrival.

"So, tell us, was Malfoy a good kisser? Could we potentially use his lack of kissing skills as blackmail in the future?" Fred inquired, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

She laughed and shook her head. "Draco was a great kisser, so I'm afraid you've got nothing on him there."

George hummed. "Well, Camille, you've got to give us something. You can't just date Malfoy and not have any dirt on him to cast out to us."

Luckily for the Ravenclaw, Harry, Hermione and Ron walked into the Great Hall. There was a loud buzz of chatter, mainly deriving from the news of Umbridge's new decree.

As soon as Harry sat down, he was bombarded with questions before he got a chance to say good morning to Camille.

"Did you see it?"

"D'you reckon she knows?"

"What are we going to do?"

"We're going to do it anyway, of course," he said quietly, referring to the secret Defense class he was planning to teach. Camille smiled triumphantly, glad to hear he wasn't planning on giving up on the lessons.

"Knew you'd say that," George voiced, grinning and bumping Harry on the arm.

"The prefects as well?" Fred asked, looking quizzically at Ron and Hermione.

"Of course," Hermione responded.

"Here comes Ernie and Hannah Abbott," Ron noticed, looking over his shoulder. "And those Ravenclaw blokes and Smith, and no one looks very spotty."

Hermione was alarmed. "Never mind spots, the idiots can't come over here now, it'll look really suspicious — sit down!" She began gesturing wildly for Ernie and Hannah to return to the Hufflepuff table. "Later! We'll talk to you later!"

"I'll tell Michael," Ginny said, referring to Michael Corner. There were rumors of them going out. "The fool, honestly."

"Did you have a good night's sleep, Camille?" Harry asked. Ron and Hermione exchanged knowing glances.

Camille smiled back at him. "It was good. How was yours?"

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