chapter two

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Scarlett's Pov

I walked down the carpeted hall as I made my way to my boss's office. My eyes wide and my heart racing. The manila folder was tightly clutched in my shaky hands as I reached the door that read, Charles Winston.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door three times before dropping my hand to my side.

"Come in." A deep voice boomed.

"Fuck this." I whispered to myself and ran a hand through my pinned up hair. Painting a bright smile on my face, I walked in and set the manila folder on the edge of his desk.

"This is my resume. I'm applying for the head editor position." I folded my hands in front of me, trying my best not to sound nervous. He stared right into my eyes before letting out a loud laugh.

"What?" I asked sternly, putting all my weight onto one of my heels.

"Nothing, I just don't think you're very..." He trailed on before looking me up and down, "Qualified for the position." His stare burned holes into my face and my cheeks began to flush.

"Excuse me?" My shaky voice contradicted my confidence that radiated just a couple minutes ago.

"Forget what I said. I'll take a look." He tried to sound sincere but it came out monotone. I scratched my arm and nodded before turning away.

As I walked away, I felt his eyes on my backside. A queasy feeling took over and I rushed out of the room, making sure to close the door behind me and ran down the hall to the bathroom.

I locked the stall and got down on my knees before emptying my already empty stomach. I had no time to eat breakfast. After a couple of minutes, I sat on the ground with my knees to my chest and my arms resting on them. I tried to slow down my ragged breaths. I rubbed my eyes and I let out a sob.

"Stop crying. I'm so sick of crying." I leaned my head back and picked myself up. I washed out my mouth with water and spit it out like toothpaste.

Once I was finished with work, I sluggishly walked to my apartment door. I struggled to fish out my keys out of my bulky purse. I had to make a mental note to get a new one. Groaning, I stomped my foot like a child. I couldn't find my keys for the life of me.

"Oh, hey Scarlett." A voice chuckled behind me and I turned on my heel to see Harry. I looked at him through my eyelashes and buried my face in my hands.

"Rough day?" Harry asked.

"Rough week." I bitterly laughed and lifted my head up.

"Um, well actually.. My mate is having a party tonight. Would you liked to come? It might calm you down and forget about it all. Temporarily at least." Harry shrugged and reached up to scratch his head

"I don't have a car to get there."

"I can drive you." Harry said hurriedly and I grinned at him.

"You're on." I clasped my hands and stood on my heels.

"Alright. See you at about 10?" Harry's british accent rattled my spine and I slowly nodded with a small smile. When I got into my room, I changed out of my pencil skirt and blouse and replaced it with a maroon, long sleeved crop top that was skin tight. And I wore a pair of washed dark shorts. For my makeup I just wore mascara and eyeliner that Sophia thinks is so depressing.

Then I wore black flats because I wasn't trying to stand on heels all night.

At 9:30, Harry knocked on my door wearing a loose white shirt and black skinny jeans. A cross necklace hung loosely on his neck. My breath hitched and Harry smirked knowingly.

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