Dream #5 (: Sierra :)

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I'm at a party. It's broad daylight. Everyone has either a red or a yellow solo cup. The balloons and streamers are red and yellow. I'm with a couple of friends and we're having a great time. Our football team just won the championship.

The party is being hosted by the captain's mom. She keeps running around, asking if we need anything. The house is packed. My friends and I stay near the back. The football team and their popular friends are near the front of the room.

I walk into the kitchen to get another soda, and I find the captain of the football team sitting on a stool by the counter. He looks sad, so I ask him what's wrong.

He glares at me and doesn't answer.

I shrug and go back into the main room.

The hostess comes up to us. She asks if we could help her move a table. I look at my friends. They agree.

We go out the front door and walk across the street for some reason. As soon as we hit the center of the road, the sun changes position and it's early evening. I look to my friends, only to realize they are gone. There are a bunch of girls younger than me. The youngest being around five.

I turn to ask the football captain's mom what the deal is, when she turns around. I realize it's not her anymore. In replace of the smiling short brown haired mother, is an ugly woman with crazy dirty blond hair. She gives me an ugly smile.

We arrive in the driveway of and old dilapidated house. It's green with moss, and the evening sun makes everything seem extra spooky. The new lady tells everybody to sit down on the driveway. The  kids all gather around and I feel scared for the first time.

The lady walks into the house and slams the door. 

I look across the street and to my surprise, it's still the middle of the day over at the party. The kids notice too and whispers start. 

They stop when the lady comes out again. She is followed by a woman wearing a nun's habit, and none other than the hostess from the party across the street. The psycho is carryig a very flimsy looking hand-held saw and a sort of chopping block.

She set the block on the concrete and guestered to the nun. In horror, I realized what was happening. The hostess came and sat by me on the driveway. The nun lay down, and I saw her silently praying as she rested her neck on the human chopping block. I tried to get all the kids to look away.

The blond lady has an insane look on her face as she lowers the saw and begins to cut. The little saw bends with each pass over the nun's neck, and I know this will be a long and terrible process.

To my surprise, there is no blood. The skin only tightens around the vertebrae and turns the same sickly green color of the house. The nun never cried out once.

About halfway through, I can't stand it any more. I look to my right, hoping the only mother here would try and save us. If she would only help us run away. 

She wpn't make eye contact.

I slowly start to stand. The crazy murderer was so intent on her project, I didn't think she had seen me. I was wrong.

All of a sudden her head slowly comes up and she smiles her maniac smile at me.She explains giddily that the house across the street is rigged with all sorts of guns and other weapons. She says if anybody tries to leave we would all be shot to death.

I sit back down again.

I mumble that I would rather be shot that have my head be slowly cut off and the other girls look at me like I am crazy.

As the head comes closer and closer to being completely severed, I start talking really fast to keep the kid's attention. We talk about anything to keep from looking over to where all the carnage is taking place.

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