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We were sitting in Arataka's office. "Mob I want you to show (y/n) around. And come here early tomorrow so you two can walk to school together ." Arataka instructed Mob making him nod. We left the building, Mob was looking down at the ground trying to avoid eye contact.

I stayed silent. "Uh I um I'll show you around." Mob said before grabbing my hand. He blushed a dark crimson and lead me around. 'Boys are strange.' I thought as he showed me where everything was. We ended up at his house somehow. "So uh th-this is my house...wanna co-come inside?" He asked stuttering his words as he looked on the ground at his feet.

I gave him a thumbs up and he lead me inside his house. I then meet his parents and brother Ritsu . The whole time Mob seemed embarrassed as he blushed a dark crimson and avoided eye contact. I honestly wanted to laugh at how shy and embarrassed he was. Although he doesn't look like the kind of guy that could get a girl. We ended up in his room and that's when the spirit that has been following him the whole time finally spoke.

"Wow Mob you actually took a girl home!" He snickered while laughing. I had noticed him from the start but didn't say anything cause there really wasn't anything to say about him. "So can you see me?" He asked staring at me bored. I nodded making him smirk. "So you're an Esper?" Mob spoke up as we sat on his bed. "Yea But I don't really know how to control my powers." I told him as I looked at my hands.

"Hmm." The spirit said as he looked me up and down. "I can teach you if you let me control you for a bit." He said making me look at him funny. "Dimple no." Mob told him. We talked for a bit about spirits and espers. My phone buzzed and I opened it to see Arataka had texted me to come "home". I got up and stretched my arms upward. "Arataka wants me to hurry and get back." I informed Mob making him stand up immediately.

"I'll wa-walk you back." Mob said before grabbing my hand and leading me past his family and outside.

Mob's P.O.V

I grabbed her soft hand and rushed her outside trying my best to avoid my family from embarrassing me again. For some reason (y/n) just made me feel a certain way that just made me happy and nervous at the same time. Butterflies filled my stomach and I felt like I was running on adrenaline. 'She's so pretty.' I thought as the wind started to pick up making her hair fly behind her.

I felt my face burn up as I started to blush again. "Hmm I think I remember the way!" I heard her exclaim. I saw her smile for the first time. 'So cute.' I thought only heating my face up more. She started making her way back to Arataka's and I followed next to her as she lead me there. I was surprised that she had already memorized the way there.

"Well I'll uh...see you tomorrow?" I said but it ended up sounding more like a question. 'No duh your gonna see her tomorrow you're walking her to school!' I yelled at myself in my head. She just gave me a thumbs up before heading inside. "WHAT WAS THAT MOB YOU COULDN'T BE ANY MORE AWKWARD!" Dimple yelled at me with a disappointed expression.

"Well uh what else should I have said?!?" I asked kinda mad at myself. "Hmm pff I thought you had a crush on Takane?" Dimple asks. I had completely forgotten about her. "I d-do But (y/n) just makes me feel - look i don't know I'm confused!" I reply to him kinda yelling the last part as I start to walk back home.

'Gosh I better figure this out before I get to school tomorrow and they are both at the same place.'

Little did Mob know his feelings would only grow.

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