20th October (Sat)

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Today I had a bit of a lie in and - after breakfast - I did some French work.

My brother and mum went walking with some family friends while I stayed at home. I had some work to finish (including learning my debate speech!) and I also waited for my dancing friend. I helped her to learn her lines for a rehearsal she has coming up soon and then we walked down to dance together.

After dancing (I improved a lot since last week and I'm really proud of myself) we went picking apples again. They have buckets and crates and boxes and bins full of apples to we took a bucket home and took a recipe from one of mum's friends: Peel the apples and cut into 1/4's or 1/2's, stick them in a slow cooker* with some cinnamon and super then let to cook overnight. It's good with porridge or yogurt apparently, and it makes your house smell nice. My bedroom is right above the kitchen and I'll tell you what, it smells bloody good 😋 Really cinnamony and autumnal...yum, I can't wait until tomorrow!

See ya 👋

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