Chapter 15: Little Do You Know

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Chapter 15: Little Do You Know

"You really don't remember what happened?" I ask Jack as we start to walk around the house, people were looking at us and smiling. "I really don't, but people are looking at us... What did I do?" Jack ask giving me a smiling. Something was off about him, the minute he got off stage, he kept holding my hand or kept his hand on my waist and he was being very.... Not Jack. "Umm... You did the normal hypnosis thing, Jack are you okay?" I ask making him look at me. "I'm fine love, I just...I have this strange urge that I can't shake." He says rubbing his neck and he was looking at me. Well more like he was looking at my lips.

I couldn't shake the feeling of him kissing me, I wanted him to kiss me again. But at the same time, I was looking for Birdie, or Roxas... I know she was upset on what happened and I don't know what she had planned. I feel a pair of hands go on my waist as I turn to Jack. "What are you looking for baby?" Jack ask making me confused, did he just call me baby? "Since when did you start calling me baby?" I ask making him look confused like he didn't know he said it. "I... I don't know." He says moving his fingers through his hair, "I don't know what is going on with me." He say making me worried he was sick. "Why don't I get us something to drink and you go sit down." I say as I push him to sit on a bench.

Before he could say anything I took off to get him a drink, and to find Birdie. I kept my eyes peeled as I looked for her as I made it to the drink table. I grab two waters before I hear something, like someone almost screaming. I turn to see a pair of butterfly wings go around a corner by the stage. I quickly and quietly follow to see Birdie talking to the Amazing Brad. "What the hell was that?" Birdie asked as I hide behind some boxes blocking her view of me. "I don't know what to tell you Miss. You told me to ask those questions and I did. I even ordered him to do what you wanted him to do. Sorry your planned backfired." Brad said as he started to pack up his truck.

"That's bullshit! You told him to go to... That slut!" Birdie yelled but Brad just sighed, "Look Lou-San, I told him what you wanted me to tell him. He didn't say your name, he went to that blonde girl." I see Brad walk up to Birdie and hand her back the money she slipped to him before the show. "I think you just need to face facts and come to terms that that boy doesn't like you or love you." Brad said as he goes into his truck and closes his door. "Wait! Wait!" Birdie yelled as she ran to his truck, "What did you tell Jack at the end of the show?" She asked fear in her voice.

I see Brad give her a big smile, "I told him to let loose and be his true self." He said as he put his truck into drive and drive off taking that as my cue to leave and go back to Jack. I don't know what he meant by making Jack be his true self that was until I saw Jack on the bench lending back looking at the sky. "Jack?" I ask as he looks over at me and that rare smile came on his face. "There's my girl." He says as I walk over to him and look at the sky, "What... What are you looking at?" I ask as I feel him take the water out of my hand.

"The sky. The night sky. How the stars are looking." I cross my arms, "I didn't know you were so into the stars." I say with a smile. "Oh yes, anything to do with space or the stars. You see those stars right there." Jack pointed making me look where he was point at. "It looks like a triangle." I said confused but it just made him laugh, a laugh I never heard before. "You're cute. But that top star is Deneb, the second star is Vega and the third is Altair, it is know as the star crossed lovers." He said making me wonder why he was telling me this. "It's an old story about The Weaver Girl being the star Vega and the Cowherd being Altair, they fell madly in love, so madly that they neglected their duties so as punishment, they were separated by the Milky Way. They can only meet once a year." Jack says making my heart break for them.

"That's... so sad." I say as Jack pulls me into his lap and holds me close. "Don't worry sweetie, that won't happen to us." He says burring his head into my neck. It was like I didn't know this Jack he was so different. "Jack... What are you doing?" I ask as he looks up at me again. "God you are beautiful. You almost shine as bright as the stars." He says as he puts his thumb on my chin pulling my lips to his. "Jack.. Rule one." I whisper but I was closing my eyes hoping he wouldn't listen to me. I hear him chuckle, "F*ck rule one." He says as he kisses me, soft and sweet unlike our make out section before.

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