Camp Halfblood

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You were sitting in your Mythology class just like every other day. Your teacher was talking just like every other day. But then something happened that no one would expect...... a voice on the announcements called you down to the office. When you got to the office there was a strange woman that was here to talk to you. Wearily you walk into a room with her and she shuts the door. Then she turns to you and her eyes are glowing red! "Where is it?" she asks you. You step back frightened. "I don't know what you're talking about!" you tell her as she creeps forward. "Where is the necklace?" se asks in the same voice. you are backed against the wall when one of the kids from school enters and pulls out a sword. He pulls out the sword and slices the woman/monster and she disappears into gold dust. "Who are you? And what was that?" you ask the boy as you start to panic. Th boy had sea blue eyes, brown hair (sorry if I got it wrong and if your confused you will figure it out soon). He wore an orange t shirt an some blue jeans. "No time to explain we need to get you out of here before more show up." he told you and dragged you outside and he entered a blue car. "Get in if you want to survive." he tells you. You hesitate for a second then climb in next to him. "Drive." he tells the driver. They drove away from the school speeding to the highway. "Ok start explaining what was that, what's going on, who are you, and what's going on?" you ask the boy in a rush. "Calm down my name is Percy Jackson and this is Annabeth Chase." he said pointing to the driver. She had stormy gray eyes and blond hair. She too wore an orange t shirt and blue jeans. "And to answer your question we are going to a camp for people like us." Percy said simply. "What do you mean people like us?" you ask him. "Children of the gods." he said. You stared at him confused for a second then laugh. "Your messing with me right? Right?" then you seen he wasn't laughing and you realized he wasn't kidding.

De Time Skip

You are in front of a place called Camp Half Blood. you take a deep breathe and enter. Percy looks at you an says "Now all we need to do is figure out who your godly parent is."

Okay your objective is to learn how to live as a demigod and find out who your parent is. Have fun till next time.

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