Celebrations and Realizations

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Tia awoke to the smell of breakfast, which was uncommon because her mother seldom had time to do such things being that she was usually too busy doing them for the Bianchi's.

Tia decided to get up and see for herself, yawning into her hand, thinking to herself that this had to be some kind of looping dream.

Soon she heard Thurston Harris's Little Bitty Pretty One playing on the radio causing a smile to form on her face.

Once Ms. Davis turned the radio up more she was too busy doing the twist to notice Tia sneaking up behind her.

With a mischievous grin, Tia prepared to shock her with an attack of tickles.

" Good God girl you almost made me spill these eggs." Ms. Davis exclaimed during laughter as she paused from whisking them.

An amused smile graced Tia's face before it simmered into a suspicious one. " Now it's not your birthday and mine ain't till October. So what's the occasion?"

" Well, it's Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi's anniversary." Ms. Davis began and Tia didn't let another word leave her mother's mouth without rolling her eyes.

" Of course."

" Hey let me finish before you get all down in the dumps. It's their anniversary so Mrs. Bianchi let me have the day off so she can cater to her husband, you know cook for him and stuff."

" Hm, I feel sorry for his taste buds." Tia grinned causing her mother to playfully nudge her. " But mama that still don't make up for all this food that's waiting on the counter." Tia looked around at the meat thawing out, the greens soaking in water, the peeled potatoes. Tia glanced back at her mother with raised brows.

With that much food, she'd think her mother was cooking for charity.

" Well I never got to celebrate the fact that you got accepted to Rosewood High so ... I'm throwing a celebratory dinner for the both of you."

" Both?" Tia frowned.

" Yeah, that boy Michael I invited him and his parents."

Tia didn't know what made her stomach churn but it did as soon as her mother said his name.

" You okay? Girl, you look like you seeing spirits."

" No, I just - I didn't expect a celebration. Thanks, mama." Tia hugged her as they both smiled.

" You're welcome sweetie. Oh and I invited Makayla, Mr. Charles, and ... William." Ms. Davis sort of mumbled his name.

Tia simply rolled her eyes for she didn't really care about being in William's presence anymore being that almost every time she saw Makayla she saw him. What really had her thinking was the fact that Michael would be there.

" Tia baby are you sure you're okay?"

" Yeah I'm fine um you need help with anything?"

" No hun all you need to worry about is getting yourself ready for today." Ms. Davis smiled as she poured the eggs into the skillet.

Tia went along with her mother's wishes and got ready for the day, returning back to the kitchen where her mother was sitting the plate of bacon on the table.

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