[31] Tony Stark

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"(Y/N)?!" Tony said very surprised, but very happy

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"(Y/N)?!" Tony said very surprised, but very happy.

It had been many years since you'd seen each other. Times were hard and his job caused some trouble in your relationship, that's why the both of you decided to call it quits. The break up was as friendly as they can get and there were never any hard feelings.

Heartbreak is something else, though. You'd be lying if your heart wasn't broken. You'd be lying if you weren't incomplete without him. You'd be lying if you hadn't missed him all those brutal minutes without him.

"Hey Tony." you say quietly. Seeing him after all those years had it's effects on you. The realisation that you're feelings for him hadn't faded, even a bit, immediately hit you.

Tony walked up to you and pulled you into his warm and tight embrace, breathing in your scent and completely losing himself in the embrace. You melted into him just as much as he did with you.

"How have you been?" he asked, rather awkwardly, when he broke the embrace.

"As good as it gets. I've missed you, though." you confess with a soft voice, not daring to look up to meet his eyes.

You could feel his eyes on you and heard him chuckle softly while quickly pulling you back into his arms. "I've missed you too, darling." he said before placing a lovingly kiss on the top of your head.

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