A Promise

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I was going through my Instagram before I was going to turn its notifications off. I got a few messages from haters. That's when a notification popped up that made me jump.

Danny_rose_Murillo has requested to chat with you.

Danny? Danny wanted to chat with me? What was this?? Out of curiosity I clicked it and read the message.

Danny_rose_Murillo: hey aron, I know this is a surprise, but, I've been Noticing a few things about you that have been worrying me. Are you ok?

Wow... He notices the clues and shit and not even my own friends notice it?

Deuce: why do you want to know?

Danny: because, I don't like what I've been seeing. The long sleeves, no diss tracks, the sudden being scared of us and the ending the tour so early.

Deuce: I'm fine Danny.

Danny: aron please, I know your not ok. Just tell me what's wrong.

Deuce: your not leaving me alone till I tell you, aren't you?

Danny: I will spam your phone.

Deuce: fine... It's just that, shits been getting to harsh. The fans, the guys. It's too much for me to handle. And I'm not overreacting.

Danny: you've been cutting?

Deuce: maybe...

Danny: aron, listen... I promise to be there for you. I'll be outside with the guys and make sure they don't do anything to you, I'll keep the fans under control, just please... Don't cut...

A promise? I never asked for that... Why would he promise his enemy something? Was he really that considered about me?

I didn't reply. I turned the notifications off for Instagram and Twitter and went to sleep, still thinking about Danny said... I promise to be outside with the guys and make sure they don't do anything...

He couldn't keep that a promise... Could he?

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