P r o l o g u e

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I have a bad habit of making new stories while not finishing/updating the other ones. So enjoy my try on making a bad Naruto fanfiction with no beta and almost zero knowledge of what's happening in canon.

You can read this with the main character as an OC or you (Reader). The MC is gender neutral, so you can imagine them as a boy or a girl or something in between, or neither. It's okay.

This story will end up with the MC platonically dating with Shikamaru, but feel free if you want to see them paired with anyone else! I'm doing this for fun after all.

Anyway, ENJOY!


"What do you want me to be?"

"My successor." The Nidaime said, placing his hand on my shoulder. The lines on his face is deep and laced with tiredness. Embedded with grief and burden from holding his position for decades.

I looked at him straight into his eyes, confused and slightly terrified. Millions of questions sprouting through my head and leaving it ache dully. I was hesitant, understandably so. An 18 year old standing alone in the middle of the Uzukage office. Not counting the ANBU within the walls, but you get what I'm trying to say.

"Will I be enough?"

He smiled, showing rows of teeth and a grin that's not unkind.

"It's for you to be and the village to decide."

I told my family first, knowing my mom will have my head if I don't tell them. The news was greeted with bewilderment and cheers. We had a family hug and it was great.

Breaking the news to my friends are not as easy as I thought. Who can say, 'Hey! Apparently I'm gonna be your new leader soon in like, a year!' without hysteria and screaming involved?

Not me.

After about 2 hours of constant questioning (accompanied with sobbing and crying from my teammates), it's finally good enough for them to leave me alone to sleep and process this.

The next months were filled with following the Uzukage around at meetings and getting along with the council. I visited Konoha and met the Hokage and start to learn how to do paperwork. It was months filled with preparation for me as an Uzukage to be. A teen. A chunnin ranked teen.

Blasphemy, they told me.

So I showed them. Worked as hard as I fucking can and maybe add a little of showing off my skills to make them shut up. They need to know that I'm an S-ranked Shinobi in the bingo book not because I played around.

Having the title holder of the best Fuuinjutsu master in the whole land is hard. Especially when someone else held the same title as you.

Orochimaru of the Sannin. He was the other holder of the title.

I met him with the rest of the Sannin when the Hokage showed them off. His students he said, with a hint of pride. Despite the one sided rivalry that Orochimaru seem to have with me, we immediately become best friends over sassing other people.

I spent a year befriending them and make them befriend my teammates and other friends. A period of hilarity ensues as the weird friendship that I had with the three of them evolved into everlasting friendship. It was hilarious seeing Jiraiya and Tsunade gaping like a fish when I hugged Orochimaru and braid his hair in broad daylight.

Orochimaru by far is my favorite out of the three. He's far more silent and I love his sharp tongue. We can debate about seals for hours, sharing tricks and tips for certain things and give away some hints of seals each of us is working on. Jiraiya joined too, sometimes. But it won't be as fun as he spent more time arguing with Orochimaru rather than talking about seals.

Tsunade almost terrifies me but I love her guts and genius in medical related stuff. I tried so hard to include medical seals into my works but it's fragile work. The amount of sake I have to bribe her is staggering but honestly? Worth it. We also share the same feeling towards our teammates' bullshit, complaining and wailing together with the companion of sake.

Jiraiya. At first, people think we won't mix well. His full blown love towards anything lewd and my zero desire for one surprisingly... mixes well. With me giving zero fucks (literally and figuratively) about feeling embarrassed talking about sex, Jiraiya found it easy to talk about his novel drafts. We had to be stopped in public a lot by our teammates.

And then I was declared the Sandaime Uzukage.

The way I celebrated it was jumping off the building and explode into fireworks.

(It was just a clone, and my friends almost killed me afterwards for almost giving them cardiac arrest.)

It was hard not having enough time for everything. Paperworks seem to be my best companion. It was peaceful though, I handled things very well and my ninja skills are thankfully still used. Especially for some battles. I'm still young and if I can use my skills to reduce damage, I'd gladly offer my service.

The village accepted me well, everything went peacefully.

Until Uzushio fell.

I tried, I sent messengers to ask Konoha for help. I assumed Kiri's fleet will be a lot, but when they bring Iwa as well... They joined forces to take Uzushio down and it was a massacre.

I tried evacuating as much people as I can but we were surrounded and my teleportation seal isn't in the state where it's ready to use. The amount of regret only multiplied when I realized that there are people here, not knowing where to go.

I fought and fought and fought. And when I almost won, no one else was standing. I failed to protect my village. What's the meaning of winning when there's no one else to protect?

I was alone with that traitor. My chakra was depleted and my scrolls are all used up. I was no match with him who waited in the sidelines as I fought through war and desperately try to buy time for Konoha's help to arrive. Buy time for The Sannin to help.

What a fucking b i t c h.

With the last of my weapons gone, and the will to live fading, I feel his hand went through into my chest cavity, holding my heart.

With a sweetly, the first and worst kiss I ever had in my entire life, he squeezed my heart to pieces and everything went dark.

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