One of all xxx

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Hey guys it's Ezza here one of a beat bangger$ 101,

It's good to be on here talking to all and hope u guys learn, listen and get some info and some stupidness from this hahaha xxx um so a bit about me


Age: old enough

Fave colour: blue

Relationship:Taken ❤️

Someone u love most in ur family: my mum (R.I.P) love you xxx

Fave food:pizza

Fave sweet: oh my too many haha

Fave chocolate bar:Snickers

Fave place to get a drink:boost

Best BFF of them all:Pascaline like a sis

Brothers: lil bro (choc-chip) & (muffin)big bro (Isaac) & ( Ryan )

Sisters:big sis (Kate) lil sis ( Teez )

Fave sport:basketball

How u got to know the ones in the "beat bangger$ 101" crew: friend of a friend tha best of tha baddest

Hope u guys enjoy more coming soon xxx❤️❤️❤️

Hey guys! I'm gonna tell you abit about myself -Teez xox

Name: Teez

Fave colour: baby blue

Fave ice cream: cookies and cream, cookie dough

Fave song: Baddie OMG girls

Older sister: Ezza

Some in family you miss: Poppy (R.I.P)

Relationship: single :( (not 4long)

Fave chocolate: kit kat

Birthday: 27/5/01

Fave food: tacos and tuna morné

Fave drink: frozen coke

Fave piece of clothing: Beat Bangg3r$ 101 t-shirt

Thankx guys again we are

beat bangg3r$ 101 we love to be heard

Ps first video has come out on YouTube please go and check it out it's called

"beat bangg3r$ 101"

Love you guys mwahhh ❤️❤️✌️😜😝

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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