Part 4

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S3XYNP1NK is Niki, T0T4LT34LT0RTL3 is Kristi, HUNTNK1LLU is Hunter, and AW3S0M3RTHANU is Marcus. Enjoy!


Chat started by S3XYNP1NK on Friday, September 26th, 2011 at 8:04pm.

Now entering S3XYNP1NK

Now entering T0T4LT34LT0RTL3

Now entering HUNTNK1LLU

S3XYNP1NK: hey guys   8:04pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: wassup girl?   8:04pm

S3XYNP1NK: just had a fight bout marcus’s hair stuff   8:05pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: ahhhhh   8:05pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: i see….who won?   8:06pm

S3XYNP1NK: me…i am the chaaaaampion…   8:06pm

S3XYNP1NK: haha   8:06pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: where’s hunter…didn’t he sign in?   8:07pm

S3XYNP1NK: yeah   8:07pm

HUNTNK1LLU: I'm here…just had an issue with coco   8:08pm

S3XYNP1NK:oh no! wat happened? :0   8:08pm

 HUNTNK1LLU: she swallowed part of my dad’s shoe   8:09pm

S3XYNP1NK: she ok??   8:09pm

HUNTNK1LLU: yeah shell b fine.   8:09pm

 T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: that’s great. we goin shoppin 2morrow?   8:10pm

S3XYNP1NK: yep   8:10pm

HUNTNK1LLU: for wat?   8:11pm

S3XYNP1NK: dresses for the daaance!   8:12pm

 T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: if u follow us ill hunt n kill u!   8:12pm

HUNTNK1LLU: wasn’t planning on it…but thanks for the warning   8:12pm

S3XYNP1NK: when should we hold the next rehersal????   8:13pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: wat about 2morrow?   8:13pm

HUNTNK1LLU: I can do that   8:14pm

S3XYNP1NK: gr8…kristi?   8:15pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: sounds gr8   8:16pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3:wat bout dean?   8:16pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: nm…ill call him   8:16pm

HUNTNK1LLU: u sure u don’t want me to call him?   8:17pm

HUNTNK1LLU: cuz I will   8:17pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: that’s ok   8:18pm

HUNTNK1LLU: k then…ill see u 2morrow….not at the mall…   8:18pm

HUNTNK1LLU has signed off.   8:18pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: xited?   8:19pm

S3XYNP1NK:  yup   8:19pm

S3XYNP1NK:doin my happy dance   8:20pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: me too!   8:20pm

T0T4LT34LT0RTL3: g2g bye-bye  8:21pm

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