~Not A Deer~

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Chapter 4

We were halfway to my house when things went wrong. It was agreed right before that they would all spend the night at my place so there weren't multiple trips. Right as we hit the halfway point and the woods got dense did things go wrong. Something flew over the hood of the car. There was a loud scraping sound and a thud after it. My car screeched as I pressed the breaks and tried to remain in control of the car. That was not a fucking deer I thought as my skin prickled and my heart pounded.

There was something out there and if I was right it had been stalking us. After the fight between the boys I felt something off. I didn't say anything or think too much on it only pushing it to the back of my mind. Deep down my instincts were on high alert. When we started driving into the forrest that housed our homes did the feelings intensify.

My palms got a little sweaty and my eyes kept scanning the road in front of me. Somethings not right I had thought to myself but again shook it off as the rest continued their bickering. If they were acting normal then maybe it really was nothing. I should have known better. My instincts had never failed me before.

"What was that" la la said with a hand over her chest. Jensen and Reagan were swerving in their seats looking around for any sign of movement.

"A deer-" Bella started to say but Lucy shook her head.

"That was no deer and you know it" She said forcefully pressing away from the door.

"Another wolf maybe" Lae put in just as loud snarling sounded from our right where the thud had come from.

I slammed my foot on the gas pedal and the tires screeched as the car grabbed momentum and sped up.

"Whatever it is it's not a wolf and I'm not risking anyone getting hurt to find out" I said grinding my teeth together and trying to keep the panic at bay. I was caught off guard and I was never off guard. I kept my foot pressed harshly on the pedal. Never once faulting on the speed or slowing down.

The snarling however didn't go away. It grew louder and came from our right but the next thing we knew it stopped altogether. I stayed focused on keeping the car steady and maintaining myself alert. I wasn't the only one, the rest were on high alert looking around but also trying not to panic. Right when we were reaching a sharp curve the car was hit from the side. There were shouts as the windows shattered from the force and glass flew around. The car swerved dangerously off course and I struggled to keep it from smashing into the trees. The tires screeched and the smell of rubber hit my nose as I hit the breaks and grabbed control of the car once more. The car was just getting under control when my side of the car was attacked this time

"ROSE"!! Reagan shouted but it was too late as there wasn't much I could do. This thing was fast and blended easily with the darkness.

The windows once again shattered and I felt the glass scrape against my skin. This was nothing compared to what came next. I saw a flash of red and in a second giant talons dug into me. Pain sparked through me and I tried not to move away. One wrong move I would be ripped in half.

I gripped the steering wheel with one hand and used the other one to pry off the talons from my side. My nails sharpened against the skin as I dug deeper. The creature from what I saw was dark as night pulled back its talons and snapped it's razor sharp teeth. They glinted from the bit of moonlight. I missed the bite aimed for my face by inches.

I swerved the car a bit in hopes of shaking it off but it futile. That thing was holding on tight. I heard a sharp intake of breath and then the mind numbing pain hit me. I had lost focus trying to shake it off the I left myself open. I only had a second to lift my hand before it closed down. I screamed as it's jaws wrapped around and crushed my arm.

"No!" Someone shouted

"Grab the wheel" Another shout and the wheel was taken.

I used my right hand and dug into the creatures face. I made sure to drag my nails everywhere I could reach and then into it's blood red eyes. It finally let go with an ear splitting screech. I held my wounded arm to my chest and grabbed the wheel with my good one. Accelerating the car I got desperate to get out of this part of the forrest. We just had to pass the dense part and then we would reach the town. Our home was a bit odd. Beyond this was our town surrounded by woods that weren't as thick as this forrest. At the very end of the town and shops was a path that led to a section of homes and apartments which was where we lived.

We didn't often leave the town as it had plenty of shops and things for us to do. It also had a few lakes and such where we spent the majority of our time. Though we liked going to the neighbouring town when we wanted a change of scenery. It also happened some of our friends lived there. The drive there was anything between thirty to an hour depending on how fast one was going. Feels like years I thought as finally we reached the clearing just before the town.

I sighed in relief but winced because of my side. It was still bleeding and my arm, I didn't even want to think of the state my arm was in. I was so focused on getting us out of the woods that I hadn't noticed the girls calling my name or Reagan trying to press something to my side. I flinched trying to move away and growled at him. He froze and spoke gently.

"I need to press this to the wound or you'll bleed out" He said motioning to his hand. He held a thick sweater. Where did he get that?

"That's not important" Jensen snapped shoving his face between us.

"I'm almost hom-" I began but was cut of when a burning feeling hit me. Both my wounds felt like they were on fire. I unintentionally pressed the breaks and my head smack into the wheel. The car stopped a few inches from another car. I lifted my head all the way and immediately felt blood flow down my face. One more injury is what I need, are we even close to home yet?

I had thought I was thinking to myself but was startled to realize I was speaking out loud. My voice sounded odd to me almost distorted. Only then did I notice my vision swimming with black spots. I haven't been doing a good job at staying alert The last thing I saw was a flash of red or to be honest I think that's what I saw. Not in my right mind and then I was blacking out. Before I lost conscious I heard voices.


"She's lost-"

"What's going on"

That last voice was familiar but it wasn't enough to keep me awake. And so this was the last I heard as everything shut down and I finally blacked out.

(Author's Note)
This chapter felt super long but only because I left most of the original writing and just tweaked it a bit and added some stuff. I don't want to make my chapters to short or too long because I know how tiring it is when a chapter is just TOO long. And also how unsatisfying short chapters can be when you really like a story. But anyways same as always guys feedback, comments, questions, vote and show your love. Thanks as always I appreciate it immensely. Also I hope everyone is doing good, staying healthy and whatnot. Take care of yourselves guys.

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