Prologue - Exordium

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I ran through the dessert covered in what seemed like black paint? it covered me from head to toe soaking into my tank top and shorts. A black mask seemed to be covering my face, it seemed to have horns and a long nose, wich was also covered in alot of paint. As i ran i grasped in my hand the pentagram pendant the resembeled my tribes insignia.I ran as fast as i could pumping my arms and legs trying to get as much air in my lungs and distance from the dark figure chasing me as possible. I tripped and fell on my hands and knees thn i flipped onto my back to watch the shadow get closer to me. I then noticed the shadow was holding a staff that on the top carried the insignia of the infamous religious group, For Every And All Religion, or also and more commonly known as F.E.A.R. The black robbed and masked man steped closer to me as i stopped crawling giving up and i screamed as loud as i could while i put my hands infront of me to try and protect my self and praying that someone come around here soon and help me or the my pendant would ward it off. he knocked my necklace out of my hand and it clatered to the ground a little bit away but before i could go and grab it the dark figure stabbed my stomach with the end of his staff and disappered. i now lay in a puddle of my own blood about thirty minuets later my life was slow and painfully slipping away from me and into death's arms. I grabbed around for my pendant finding it finally three minuets later. after about another tweleve minuets of laying there trying to save energy i heard foot setps and i look up as best i can and see a tall figure possibly of a man, coming towards me.Once the figure got colse enough i could tell that it was that of a man he looked over my body stopping to look at my wound, then he looked up at my face, his eyes were a deep blue shade but i saw grey flecs turning them into a nice lightish ice blue color. His hair was raven black and shaved more on the left side then the right making a bit of a lopsided mohawk, the man had a line of black paint going across his face under his left eye ,and he wore a jacket that was missing the sleve on the left side showing off a full sleved arm of tattoos. He took a step closer before kneeling down and folding his gloved hands then placed one over my mask and checked to see if i was still alive. He finaly understood i was breathing and e picked me up and started walking to i think the closest camp wich was about three miles away. I readied my self for a conversation in case he needded answers or something that involved me talking to him. "Uhhm thanks...' i trailed feeling myself grow weaker by the minuet. "Shh, dont talk you're wounded and you need to save your energy as best as you can'" the beautiful man said and i chuckled "what will i need energy for im going to die any ways im prectically right on deaths door step," "whats your name?" "R aven and your is?" the man chuckled" for a dying teenage girl you sure are talkitive," he smiled at the comment."my name is Prophet, I help my four brothers/friends, take care of the camp of Rebels about three miles from the F.E.A.R base," he smiled."oh you must be he men I've been hearing about for the past few weeks in my part of the prison, lately some of the newer captives have been talking about a group of men known as the Wild Ones, Prophet, Deviant, Mystic, Mourner, and Destroyer. I've been in there about six years but about three years ago a girl about 13 came in screaming for you guys and ever since then ive been planing my escape cause thats was right before you five were just starting to get popular. I had asked the girl to tell me more about you guys and she told me many amzing stories about you five so as soon as i could i tried to escape sadly it didnt work out to well one of the shadows came after me and stabbed my stomach and now here we are" i told him suddlenly feeling woozy and close to passing out. "Well at least they never gave up hope and now they have more, right?" He chuckled. "hey you guys started a few good riots while i was in there," i chuckled. "what really?"he asked smiling like a little kid. "Yeah but then we were told if we didn't quite down it was beatings for every one, but they never stopped believing in you guys," I smiled but soon the smile faded as i started to cough and shiver it was time to go and i couldnt stop it. "shit im sorry Prophet, tell the others im sorry too, please, and keep this safe for me please," I said and stuffed my pentagram into his hand and closed his fingeers around it as my body soon shock a little less and then went limp slowly as my life left my body. the last thing i felt was a single tear fall my cheek. the last thing i saw was Prophet sheding the tear as my body went cold and limp in his arms and felt his hand squezz my now limp one tightly as he continued to walk. Now i was watching my body's last minutes on earth before i could finally leave. We made it to the camp  and soon all the villagers came out and Prophet was talking to the four men that seemed to be his brothers they wrapped me in a white cloth after taking my mask off. they dug me a hole filled it with wood and put my body in the middle then Mystic came up to the front of the group said a few quiet words of honnor, and turned his palm to the sky as a small fire ball appeared in it. He threw it at the pile where my body lay, setting the small pile of sticks and other burnable debris a flame. As i floated away to the nether i never thought that all this so many people and all this could happen just because of me, i smiled sadly but proud and happily. Prophet, Deviant, Mystic, Mourner, and Destroyer all stood around my burning body surrounded by the rest of the camp, singing to me telling me to and hoping for me to rest in a peacefull slumber for all eternity. As the song started closing into the end my soul/spirit finally drifted away from my body and into the nether, Then everything went into a pitch black darkness, and a few seconds later i jolted awake.

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