Chapter 1: Disappear, Appear

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As soon as the traffic light change into green, I started walking alongside with the other pedestrians. I tried acting as normal as I can, mimicking the various people walking on the same crosswalk. When I reached the other side of the road, I walked towards the bus stop, hoping that this is the correct one. To confirm that I am not lost, I tried to look for Gare train station in the directory. Yup, the bus will appear in a minute.

While waiting for the bus to arrive, I sat at the bench and searched for my transit pass card inside my jacket's pocket, instead, I found a paper that is folded twice. It was the letter I found under the lamp of my bedside table two months ago. It was either written by mom or dad, I am not sure. It was written poorly - seems like they were in panic during the time the letter was written. They stated their apologies for disappearing without a word and, how much they love me which made my heart twist a little. There was also a specific instruction they told me to do, written in the postscript part. My heart still feels heavy whenever I read this letter just like the first time I saw it. I still feel broken and confused but I know that Mom and Dad don't want me to dwell on these kinds of feelings because they have always wanted me to be fearless and cautious. I know deep down in my heart, they want me to trust them too, even though the letter is uncertain with the details of their whereabouts and the reason why they want me to follow their commands. It's hard and scary to look for something I actually don't know, especially in a place I am not familiar with. Sigh, I just wish they are still alive.

Once the bus stopped in front of me, I placed the letter back inside my jacket's pocket and got up. I hopped inside and tapped my card in the electronic payment machine installed. "Seems like this is your last ride, miss," the bus driver chuckled while looking at the machine that indicated I only now have zero balance in my card. I shrugged. It didn't make me feel agitated or nervous even though I don't have money anymore to reload my card for a train trip. I'm planning to ride the train in a way normal people won't do. I'm just now wishing my weeks of practice with Pa will be of good use.

I chose the rear seat of the bus and sat next to the left window. There are only five passengers, including myself. Three passengers are asleep, the other one sitting three rows away from me is busy, reading some sort of a book. I glanced at the window and looked at the pitch-black sky. The moon, the road and vehicle lights illuminate the dark night. I pressed my left cheek in the glass window and remembered the tragedy that happened hours ago.

I already prepared myself about it, including enhancing my abilities or what we called "Gifts". I told myself to not be too emotional and just do what Mom and Dad told me to do when the time comes. When I read the letter months ago, it's not just the disappearance of my parents that brought me in tears but also the fact that my dearest grandpa was soon expected to face his own painful death during his sleep. Pa knew about it and when I asked for an explanation, he didn't tell me and just said, "It is for your safety, Evee." Like what my Mom and Dad told me, that their disappearance is for my safety, again without explaining anything. They just instructed me to fly from Orleansville, the suburb where I grew up, and travel to Verzon City and look for Amber's antique shop. I am ordered to fly quickly right after Pa's questionable death and warned me to not come back.

I didn't expect it to be so soon. I just got back from the market and found Pa in his bed with no sign of breathing. I didn't even bother to spare a time to mourn.

Hysterically, I ran out of our house. All my emotions went out of control. I am both confused and troubled. I don't know what to do and where to go but I forcefully fixed myself and started to think of a plan. With me, I just had my transit pass card, a few coins just enough to buy a candy, and the letter from my parents that I always bring with me wherever I go. With those belongings, I started to walk towards the bus stop which is more than 10 kilometers away from our house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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