Chapter Eight

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"Who are you?!" The guard called, standing up from his seat and taking a step towards Sadie.

Sadie squeaked nervously, trying to think of what she should do. By now, Noah was also staring at her. The lighting was so bad in the hall, Sadie couldn't see the guard's facial expressions to tell what he was thinking. "Um,"

"Why are you covered in darkness?" The guard called back, staying where he was. Why wasn't he charging at her right this moment? And what did he mean, darkness? Sadie looked at herself and remembered her experience in the chimney. She was covered in ash. Frowning, Sadie thought of ways to get out of this situation. An idea hit her then, and it was a little crazy. That was okay though, because so was she.

Sadie straightened up, trying to make her 5'6 frame seem taller than it was. "I'm a...ghost?" Sadie announced, not meaning for her words to come out so uncertain.

The guard stared at her while she visibly saw Noah roll his eyes and begin to pace in his cell. "Excuse me?"

Sadie nodded to herself, and began waggling her fingers in a way she thought ghosts might do. "Yes, I am a ghost and I am here to haunt you forever." She said in her best spooky voice. Noah was now holding onto the bars of the cell, softly hitting his forehead against the bars repeatedly. Clearing her throat, Sadie continued. "I am the ghost of your mother."

The guards mouth dropped open. "My mother is still living," he said. Oh. Sadie thought for a moment, and then returned to her firm stance.

"Not anymore. Sorry to deliver the bad news." She glanced around the hall, looking for anything that would help her get out of this situation.

To her surprise, the guard gasped. "My mother is...dead? But...I saw her only a week ago." He said, putting a hand over his mouth.

Sadie raised an eyebrow at him. Noah stood gaping at the guard. "Well...she was hit by a car. I am sorry."

"I thought you were my mother."

"Yes, I mean I was hit by a car." Sadie amended.

"What is a car?" The guard asked.

Sadie cursed herself and pinched the bridge of her nose. "A car is...a type" She explained. Sadie noticed a pile of rope sitting in the corner by the entrance where she stood.

The guard scrunched his eyebrows together. "My mother was hit by a horse?"

Sadie nodded. "Completely trampled." She took a couple steps toward the rope. The guard visibly backed up. Sadie wondered what sort of idiot he was. She wondered the same about herself.

"Well, if you are the ghost of my mother, then...I am sorry." the guard said, looking at Sadie sadly. Sadie reached the rope and picked it up slowly. She was now halfway down the darkly lit hallway. The guard put his hands up. "What...what are you going to do with that rope?" He asked worriedly.

Sadie took a step forward and he stepped back again. He was nearing the cell, where Noah stood watching in awe. This time, an actual idea formed in Sadie's mind.

She glanced at the rope. "I am going to hang you with it." she tried. The guard gasped.

"Mother, no! What have I done to deserve this treatment from your ghost?" He sobbed. Sadie took two large steps forward and the guard, scared, jumped backwards. His back hit the cell.

"Noah! Now!" Sadie cried, and began running towards the man. Noah looked at her like she was crazy before realization dawned on him. Quickly, he reached his hands through the bars and grabbed the guard from behind by the neck.

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now