New beginnings

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This is my first time writing about Percy Jackson and I hope I don’t disappoint you.

Constructive criticism is always welcome. Please review as to who you want me to pair Percy with.

This story is based after the 2nd Titan war

Ch1.  New Beginnings


Hi! I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, defeater of Kronos, Slayer of Minotaur and numerous other monsters. Oh!(completely forgot) Recently turned into the god of tides, hunt, humility, time and desire. How I became a god? Well this is my story.

It all started with me finding out that I am a demigod. Now everyone knows my story until after the 2nd titan war but what happened next is what really defined my whole life.


The next day I went to my mother’s apartment in New York to spend the rest of summer with my family. What I didn’t know was that at that very moment the Olympian gods were in a meeting about me.

“I can’t believe that he rejected godhood. I say we kill him as a lesson for others to show us respect.”, said Zeus.

“We will not kill my son, Brother.”, shouted Poseidon.

“But father is correct. He should be taught a lesson”, said Athena.

Those two started to argue once again until Zeus thundered, “Stop your bickering. I say we force him to become a god.” Before Poseidon could counter he said, “It is that or death for him. Choose which you prefer Poseidon. There will be no more discussion in this matter.”

Poseidon sighed and agreed to making Percy a god as he could not bear the thought of loosing him.

Zeus turned to Athena and said, “You daughter, will formulate a plan as to how to lure him here.”

Athena said, “I don’t think he will take well tricking him. It would be better if we created a situation in which it would appear as we had no choice other than to turn him into a god. Otherwise he will hate us for eternity.”

“That is true. So what should we do?”

“May be I could beat him to pulp and we turn him into a god to save his life?” ,suggested Ares.

“You will not harm him Ares .”, yelled Poseidon.

It was Athena who came up with a plan. They would make one of the walls of the destroyed palaces  ‘accidentaly’ fall on himand in the pretence of healing, turn him into a god. That way he would think there was no other way to save him.

Poseidon was against this plan but when Athena assured that Percy will not be harmed too much, he relented.

Many of the council members were against this but agreed to it afraid of Zeus’ wrath.

The next day Hermes went to Percy’s house. Percy was asleep but woke up when he heard his voice.

“What are you doing here Hermes? Is something wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong Percy. The council wants to talk to you right now. Get dressed.”, said Hermes in a serious tone.

I knew that something was amiss but shrugged it away and got dressed as quickly as possible. Once I was done Hermes teleported us to his temple. I looked at him confused.

“Wait here. I will come get you once we are ready for you.” Saying so he left.

I started looking around and noticed that there were giant cracks running across the ceiling. I remembered that Kronos had used his scythe to cut down a few of the gods’ temples. “This must be one of the several damaged temples.”, I thought.

I was observing the painting on one of the walls when I heard a big groan from the temple. I stared up at the roof, I saw that it was slowly caving in. I immediately started to get out of the temple but found that the entrance was blocked. I realized that the gods didn’t need entrances as they could teleport. I looked up to see that the cracks were widening and some fine dust was falling from them. I gulped and started looking for a way out. I finally saw a corridor leading out of the room but it was across the room from where I was standing. I slowly made my way towards it when suddenly there was a bigger groan and the roof started falling in. I sprinted towards the corridor but no matter how much I run, I couldn’t seem to reach it. I could hear stone blocks falling around me. I took one last look at the roof to find that a huge piece of it was falling directly towards me.

I closed my eyes and thought, “So this is how it ends.” And I don’t remember anything after that.



We were waiting for Hermes to return after leaving Percy in his temple. Frankly speaking I was not at all ok with this plan but I couldn’t go against the council. I was brought out of my thought as Hermes flashed in front of us.

“He is in my temple.”, he stated without any emotion. I knew that Hermes also didn’t approve of this.

Everyone turned towards Poseidon looking at him expectantly. He sighed and struck his trident on the throne room’s floor. We all heard rumbling and then a large explosion. I immediately flashed to Hermes’ temple and cleared the rubble with a wave of my hand to the broken and twisted form of Percy lying on the floor. I checked his pulse and saw that it was very weak. I quickly snapped my fingers and flashed him and myself to the throne room and immediately started treating him. I heard a gasp and looked up to see that Poseidon had tears in his eyes.

“He is alive, you know. He is one hell of a tough bird to kill.”, I chuckled.

Once I was sure that his condition had stabilized, I nodded towards Zeus who got up from his seat. Everyone followed his example and stood. I walked back to my throne and stood in front of it and started chanting. Everyone followed my lead and soon we were all chanting in ancient greek.

Slowly we were surrounded by our powers in the form of mist. The mist from each god and goddess flew over to Percy’s body on the floor and started surrounding him. Finally it was so much that he was completely enveloped in it. By the time we were finished, Percy’s wounds had healed and he emitted an aura of power as strong as an Olympian. It looked as if the mist had been absorbed by his body. We waited for him to gain consciousness but it didn’t happen. That is strange, I thought.

Normally once you are made a god all your injuries, tiredness and desire to rest are gone. I looked at everyone and saw that many had the same look of confusion. Poseidon finally spoke up, “Did we do anything wrong? Why isn’t he waking up?”

“His body is probably getting used to all that power. Give him a couple of days and he will be fine.”, said Athena.

We all nodded to this and I snapped my finger and made a stretcher appear. I slowly lifted Percy off the floor and onto it. I snapped my fingers once again and he disappeared. Poseidon asked, “Where did you send him?”

“He will be under my care for now. Once he is awake, I will inform you all.”

“But what about his domains?”, asked Aphrodite.

“We will know when he wakes up and contacts the fates. For now this meeting is adjourned.”, said Zeus.


So how was the first chapter? Please review.

(Hope it wasn’t too boring.)

I got the idea of this story from another one. I will change the plot as story goes on. Please be patient with me.

God of tides, time, hunt, humility and desire ( A Percy Jackson fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt