Day 1: Zombies. Fandom: Supernatural

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Castiel stood proud in the sunrise, his chest puffed with false bravado. He wished he could say he wasn't afraid of the future of both humanity and himself, but the splattering of blood over his tan trenchcoat spelled disaster- for everyone.

Silently he wiped at the tears tracking down his cheeks- erasing the evidence of his own emotional outburst. He rejoined the few survivors he could find. Two brothers, so different baffled him on how they got along. They stood together, traveling several miles before the youngest- Samuel Winchester- spotted a tiny body in the road. He cocked his head to the left- asking. Castiel Jerked his own head forward, silently ordering the taller man to go and check for injuries or miraculously- a pulse.

One would think the brothers cruel for initially prodding the tiny with the barrels of their guns, but too many close calls on losing limbs they learned the extra caution was necessary. The child didn't respond to the pokes and prods from the brothers, so Sam knelt checking for a pulse. It took all of Castiel's might to not openly sob when Sam shook his head. He did, however turn around so that he didn't have to watch eldest brother- Dean- shoot the now undead child. He shuddered at the fighting noises that ensued.

When all had calmed, he thought nothing of it when Dean came behind him, hugging him as if asking him if he were alright. It was Sam's face, pale and shocked that made him try to turn around. He was however caught in the eldest brother's grip, stronger than it had ever been before. Before everything went black for Castiel, he heard Sam's shout and felt Dean bury his teeth into the shoulder before him.

Castiel, in his final moments no longer felt fear- instead relief that he no longer had to fight in the hellish world that had evolved. He was grateful to Dean for finally putting him out of his misery.

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