Uh Oh Go Back to being Plastic

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Two things:

First: this is so terrible and unedited and I feel like I can't write anymore

Second: there might not be many updates for a while, and it's NOT because I don't have enough ideas to write it is just that I don't have enough TIME to write so yeah that was great bye


"So as I'm sure many of you know, this is my best friend Harper." I shine the camera on her and she flinches away. I'm silent for a moment to let what the viewers just saw sink in. "She dances at my old studio in Ohio, but has joined the reality TV show Dance Moms this week. But the real reason I'm here is to address a very important issue."

I take a breath, and Harper sits up, wiping her eyes. "Verbal and physical harm are just as painful as each other, and no way should they or are they accepted in society. Words can really really hurt, but violence is never the answer. Today I made a mistake and took my anger out on a girl who was not saying very nice things."

Harper sniffs, gaining some confidence. "I just want to interrupt and say that it is not okay to insult people about their past or their parents, and especially not about personal things. Earlier today I did have a panic attack, and so did Aurelia." I bite my lip at that; it was not information I wanted to share.

"But you have no idea what we are going through on a daily basis. And you can say whatever you like that 'not all of us are like that' but a girl came in today, not knowing either of us and felt she had the right to talk about things she knows nothing of, and that is a prime example.

"My main message that I'm trying to get across is that I apologise for my actions, they were rash and in the heat of the moment. But also, don't insult people either. We may be more famous than some people, but we are exactly the same and we are not invincible at all. Words hurt, and sometimes you'll never know the extremities of that. Thanks guys," I say finally and switch the camera off. I end the live and save it. Then, I scroll through my photos and select a picture of Harper and I at the mall posing in front of a mirror.

I caption it: what happened to Harper's social media #hatershurt #bringharpback

And post.


Tuesday dawns like a chocolate bar that I dropped in a puddle. In other words, it's a grey, rainy sky and muddy pavements. My back aches like hell though, which cant be good.

I wake up to Kalani packing her dance bag from across me. She's been very quiet lately. I sigh, reaching my hand out to the bedside table for my phone. I have hundreds of notifications saying #bringharpback and lots of hate comments as well. Lots of fan accounts are posting videos of my live from yesterday and dissing on me and all that jazz. I have four texts as well.


Dad: hey darling, I'm going to pick u up tonight OK

Aurelia: sure dad


Ezra: hey you alright? I heard what happened yesterday and we haven't talked in AAGES

Aurelia: Yh sorry about that. I'll try hang out with you today

Ezra: phew! Kimberley will not stop talking trash about you and I think she's now friends with that Petra girl

Aurelia: oh great, but the haters gonna hate

Ezra: go get em girl


Belle(music manager) : hey, remember tomorrow we are shooting yours and Aiden's music videos. You will have to be there at two pm sharp.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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