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Happy Birthday Nova..

It was the first birthday greeting I've ever received in my entire life.

A black envelop with a 'Happy Birthday Nova..' written in white ink at the back. I opened it and found a black note inside.

'One is a liar and no one is Honest. They will bury their secrets along with them.'

I didn't know what it meant back then. It was creepy, but I didn't care. They will bury their secrets along with them. I didn't know that a single sentence would change my whole life.

I put the envelop inside my drawer where I found it. I walked downstairs to our kitchen where I found my mom holding a newly baked cake and my dad holding a newspaper and a cigarette on his mouth, it was an ordinary day, I thought it was.

My mom hugged me, not just any quick hug, but a tight hug like there will be no tomorrow. After her tight hug, I gasped for air. I looked at her my eyes confused. And my brows narrowed when a tear fell from her eye. Why is she crying? Did dad do something again? Just as her tears reached her chin my eyes turned to the old man holding a newspaper, who doesn't seem to care about anything, across the table. I glared at him without him knowing since his eyes were fixed in that very interesting newspaper.

I took my seat just in front of my dad with my mom beside me. I think mom saw me still glaring at the old man so she patted my knees under the table and looked at me. That Please-Stop-It type of look, which I really hated.

It was very quiet, not a complete silence, but it's very quiet. No one is talking, the sound from the utensils and plate making friction as we eat is all I could hear. It was nothing new, it has always been my everyday life.

After we finished eating, my dad, as usual, stood up and walk outside finally getting a hold of his newspaper once again. I stood up to clean the table like I usually do, but surprisingly, mom took the plate I was holding, smiled at me and started cleaning the table. The cake is all that is left.

I sat and stared at it like what I always do in my birthdays. I saw mom holding a knife and about to slice the cake when I stopped her.

Wait.. No wishes?

I asked with my Unbelievable-Type-Of-Tone. It's not that I hate it, or I'm annoyed that for the first time in my life there isn't any candles in my cake, it's just that.. it's very unusual. She smiled at me and continued what she was doing.

We have ran out of candles.. but you can still make a wish.

She said calmly. I put my eyes back at the cake, content with what she said, I closed my eyes and imagined a candle in front of me, I made a wish and blew the candle. Happy 18th Birthday Nova.. I smiled talking to myself with my mind. I opened my eyes and saw mom handing me a piece of cake with her teary eyes.

Happy Birthday Nova.

She said and hugged me again. I hugged her back.

It was night and I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, ready to jump in my dreamland. We didn't finish the cake, only two slices were eaten and it was obviously me and my mom.

I was almost asleep when I heard a gunshot, it was coming from their room. My body immediately got up and ran to their room. I didn't know what to expect, all I know is just my heart was beating so loud, louder than the gunshot I just heard. I opened the door and saw dad. He's lying in bed sideways facing the other way, I thought he was just sleeping. I walked slowly towards him, carefully, like I'm hesitating whether I should look or not. I saw him holding a gun, and dripping blood from his pillow. I didn't want to look on his face, I was too scared. I panicked and about to scream when I remembered my mom. She's not in the room. I looked over the house until I heard water pouring coming from the bathroom, I immediately ran towards it and knocked, there's no answer. But there is no other emergency situation like this. I opened the door with my heart still pounding, expecting my mom to be there. And she is. Lying on the bathtub, bathing on her own blood.

Happy Birthday Nova..

A voice I'm not familiar with pound inside my head as I fell on the floor with my eyes getting blurry until it shut. 

They will bury their secrets along with them.

Is this what it means?

One is a liar and no one is honest..

I already knew that. I know very well. My dad is a cheater and my mom is a liar martyr. There is no difference, no one is honest, therefore everyone are liars, they're all fakes.

I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling in front of me. Happy 20th birthday Nova, another welcoming bad dream for my birthday. Great.

A/N: Hello^ So this is my first time writing a mystery-thriller book since I always kept them wandering in my mind and not writing it at all. But now, I'm trying my best. So please continue reading, thankyou^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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