Chapter 1

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Hi, I am... hmm... let's say Nomia. And this is me. I live a pretty casual life, I am the average sixteen-year-old student. I do homework, have fun with friends, and go out once in a while. But what you don't know is what happens behind the scenes, let me tell you about it:

I have a little sister- let's call her Renee. She is twelve but has quite the attitude, you'd be surprised once you actually meet her in person. My father, Jonathan, is African, Nigerian to be specific. Making me mixed race as my mother was Dutch. But, she died. She got cancer when I was eight, fought it for two years and won the battle. After only little time it came back and she fought for another two years but lost the battle. It broke me down into a million shattered pieces. As a girl, you need your mother. Who else are you going to tell about your first boyfriend or period or even kiss. I miss her. Always. But my life is so busy here that sometimes, for a few seconds, I forget about her and that she ever even existed.I forget what it was like when she was around or what she looked or smelled like. Sometimes I would go to her closet and smell her clothes and look through her jewlerry just to feel connected to her again. I feel incredibly guilty for my memory but what can I say? When an element of your life has been missing for such a long time, your brain just slowly starts to forget the times you spent with someone.

After a great upbringing of twelve years in the Netherlands and living there one year without my mom. My dad, my sister and I moved to England. I hated it. I remember when my dad told me I lashed out at him and ran away. It was only two streets away to my grandmother's house but for me that was a big deal. I was never really a troublesome child. Ofcourse I went through my teenage phases, probably still are, but besides that? I've always received good grades, tried my best to be nice to people and cared about my friends and family. That summer of 2014 could have easily been the most awkward, confusing and compelling summer of my life.

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