Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The feeling of a bullet going through your body... it's the most painful feeling a human could endure...

It first feels numb... like nothing had happened... but then it all attacks you at once, the pain feels unbearable... especially to a child... to someone who can't take pain... for someone... who has died... from a bullet...

"I hate counting to twenty! There's no way I can do it backwards!" Little Alfred gently threw his crayon down onto the plastic table. The kindergarten classroom was filled with small talk of about twenty students, all trying to do the same task that was assigned; count backwards from twenty. All the kids barely knew how to count, they were just learning. They had given up and continued to draw on their papers as the teacher helped one of the students who actually tried... his name was Li... at least that's what he could remember. The day was overall quiet, like any other school day. They were dropped off by their parents early, they would go home by lunch time, which was maybe fifteen minutes away.

"It's easy Alfie," Little Matthew said. He put down his crayon and looked toward his friend, "It's just like in the song teacher taught us, but backwards!"

"That's stupid!" Alfred pouted and crossed his arms. "I wanna go home and eat already... boo the numbers!"

"You gotta know them," Matthew poked Alfred's cheek. "It's easy."

"Prove it, I bet you can't."

"I-I could," Matthew thought a bit. "Twenty, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, fifteen,... um... fourteen! F-fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten!"

"Geez, you are smart." Alfred pouted.

"Hehe... Then it's ten, nine, eight... um, seven, six, five... then four, three, two, and one."

The door of the classroom suddenly broke down and startled the children. Matthew and Alfred quickly looked up as a stranger walked into the classroom with crimson liquid soaked into his jacket. The two couldn't see his face, it was covered with some kind of mask. He began yelling at the kids, waving some kind of black object in his hand that shot off with a horrible sound that echoed around the room. The next they knew it, the teacher had fallen against the wall and fell to the floor, the same crimson liquid splattered all over her. He ordered the kids to get up, to stand against the wall, his voice send shivers down Matthew's spine.

"Get down." Alfred grabbed onto Matthew's arm and pulled him under the small table. The two peeked out as their classmates stood against the wall as the trembling man paced back and forth in front of them, they all seemed to whimper and cry until the man yelled at them to shut up. The horrible sound went of again... and again... and again and again and again! Matthew tried to cover his ears but his hands shook too much to actually cover them. Alfred stayed close to him under the small table as he watched their classmates fall to the ground, their heads soaked in the same color...

The sound had stopped, the man stood there still... it was done now. Alfred covered his mouth so not a single peep could come out, Matthew did the same. But the little blonde girl hiding under the table let out a small whimper, in which the man heard and rushed over. He flipped the table over and aimed the object at the girl. The terrifying sound went off again as the girl fell back. Matthew wanted to cry, he couldn't understand what was happening... he heard no sound from anyone else, just the man's angry breathing, not even his own or Alfred's. His heart pounded in his chest with pure terror as the man stood several inches away. They didn't make a single sound, but he knew.

The table was flipped off them as he aimed the object at the two of them. "I told you to line up!" The man yelled with a rough voice. "N-Now you have to be punished..." That sound went off again.

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