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F O U R [unedited]

Thursday, April 10, 2014

“Hello!” Ashton shouted enthusiastically.

“Hi,” I muttered meekly in reply. The boys gave me warm smiles and I couldn't help but smile back. They were all so cute, and they’re actually real, standing in front of me. Oh my God. 

“Why don't we play a round of 20 questions to get to know each other?” Calum suggested. I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the head of my bed and cautiously sat down on it. They followed my movements and soon the five of us were sitting cross-legged in a circle with Liz watching us curiously. 

“Full first name?” Luke started off. I smiled and blushed 

“Jocelynn Cali Young.”



“Damn,” Luke muttered. I gave him a questioning look. “I hoped that for once I wouldn't be the youngest,” he admitted. I laughed, “Well my birthday was in January, so hands up for 1996 babies!” I cheered. Luke, Calum and I did a three way high-five while Ashton and Michael pouted.

“So you’re in year 12 then?” Calum asked. I giggled and nodded my head, “Except we call them grades instead of years. So I’m technically in the 12th grade, graduating in June.” They nodded their heads in understanding.

“Favourite colour?”


The questions continued on until Liz interrupted us. 

“It’s time to go out for supper!”

“Yes, food!” Michael moaned while dragging out the word. Gosh, these guys are so funny in person.

“Where are we going?” I asked while grabbing my book bag and slipping on my grey converse. 

“I believe Boston Pizza. Are you boys ready?” She asked while a knock sounded at the door. They nodded and slipped on their shoes where they had taken them off before getting on my bed. John appeared in the doorway with a couple other bulky men who I assume were body guards. 

The trip to Boston Pizza was pretty un eventful, other than the boys singing along to songs on the radio obnoxiously, making everyone in the car chuckle. Finally we arrived at the restaurant and were quickly ushered to our table. Perks of being in a popular band, I guess. 

“So, Jocelynn, what time do you want to start your homework at?” Liz asked as the conversation died down. I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my Pepsi nervously as all the eyes on the table laid on me.

“When we get back, I guess.”

“You have to do homework on your vacation? Thank blows,” Ashton commented. I nodded my head, “My parents are very strict, and one of the conditions of me coming was to not get behind on my schooling. It’s not so bad,” Everyone at the table nodded while Michael gave me a curious look. Luckily the topic was quickly avoided as couple waitresses and waiters brought over our food. We were a pretty big group, so they needed multiple people.

“So, Jocelynn, what do you do in your spare time?” Michael brought up casually as we ate our food. I finished chewing and swallowing before I answered him. “Well, I don't really do much really. At school I am the president of the Social Justice group, so a lot of my time goes towards that with research and stuff.” Liz’s eyebrows rose and a couple of the people around the table nodded their heads. “Is that like, trying to help the world and stuff?” Michael asked again. I nodded my head and smiled. “Yeah, I like being able to do that. We do fundraisers and stuff for things in town and over seas. I think that it’s a great thing to do.” 

“But you don't do anything else?” Luke inquired. The people who were paying attention at the table studied me. 

“Well, no, not really. Although I do enjoy photography, and I brought my camera along with me on this trip. But I usually don't have time to take pictures and stuff since I’m almost always studying or looking up stuff for Social Justice.”

“Do you ever have fun?” Michael asked absurdly. 

“Well I clearly don't have a talent, and I want to make it far in life, so I need to focus on my studies if I want to make it into med school.”

“And that is a good thing to do,” Liz butted in before Michael could criticize me more. I love the guy, but man oh man, I’ve never been criticized for working diligently in my entire life. 

Pretty soon we ended up finishing up our meals and paid our waiters graciously. The car ride back to the hotel was luckily filled with mindless chatter and the boys occasionally posting things in instagram and keek, so I decided to butt out and look out the window instead. I’ve never been to San Francisco, and I wanted to enjoy the scenery. Unfortunately it all ended too soon, and we were pulling back into the underground garage behind the hotel. 

By now I could feel the jetlag taking its toll and my eyes were drooping slightly as we made our way into the elevator. Luckily the elevator was super fast, and I mean super fast, so we were up at our floors in an instant. I ended up being the last one out though, with Michael in front of me. Even though he was one of my idols, he still irked me to no end tonight. 

“I have a challenge for you,” he said right before I reached my closed door. Letting out and angry sigh, I turned around and glared.   

“What, Michael,” I snapped. Luke, Calum, and Ashton who were about to go into their rooms turned to look at our conversation with raised eyebrows. 

“You seem to stuck up. So I challenge you to do three either illegal things and or break three rules on this trip.”

“Mate—” Calum went to interject, but Micael simply put his hand up to stop him.

“And why would I do this?” I asked with my chin held high, but I was really nervous inside. Who was he and what has he done with the cuddly Michael Clifford that I’ve seen since 2012?

“Because if you agree to this, then you have to pick three things for me to do.”

“Why though?”

“We need less kids in the world that are being pushed by their parents in this world, so why not start with you?” he countered.

I went to object, “I am not pushed by my—”

“Bullshit. I know you are, just by the way you spoke tonight. So deal or no deal?”

I looked over to the boys. They were watching our argument nervously, Ashton ringing his hands, Calum shaking his leg, and Luke rolling his lip ring in his mouth. 



I’m so sorry on the lack of updates! I was away all weekend in Toronto to see 1d and 5sos at the rogers centre and my god it was so amazing. So, who has gotten tickets to see 5sos on their rock out with your socks out tour? I got mine today, but i had to do a bunch of yard work for it, ugh.

Anwyays, I hope everyone has a lovely summer, and I should be updating soon!


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