A Forgotten Smile

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"Kashiwa! Kashiwa! Wake up!" A rhythmic slapping stung my cheeks. I winced before opening my eyes. Iida waved his hand near his face as I rubbed an eye. "You're match with Todoroki is about to start! Bakugo and Kirishima just finished theirs!"

"Who won?" I asked.

"Bakugo did. If he wins against Tokoyami, you might face him in the finals!" Iida answered.

"Fingers crossed. Thanks," I said, standing from my seat. "But, aren't you the least bit upset losing in the second round?"

"I was, but..." He looked away from, as if I would appalled he would look me in the eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. "I fought with everything I had. Even though I did not proceed, I will become stronger and make my brother proud." Oh yeah. I forgot. His older brother Tensei is Ingenium.

"How is your brother doing lately?" I wondered.

"The next match is about to begin!" Present Mic said into his microphone.

"You should go. Good luck against Todoroki, Kashiwa," Iida said. "We'll be cheering for you." 

"Thanks Iida." I ran off to the arena before they called it forfeit.

"Next we have a family of honor against one of absolutely nothing! Or more like: we don't know! Todoroki vs Kashiwa!" Present Mic said. Todoroki was already waiting while I jogged up on the stage. Thanks a lot Mic. I looked into Todoroki's eyes. They are really cool. OH MY GOD KASHIWA. STOP IT. STOP STARING AT HIS EYES. This is a fight. Whoever wins moves on to the finals. Judging from the previous fights, he's gonna start with an ice attack. "Start!"

Like predicted, he shot an ice trail at me, like he's done so far. My quirk copied him, and my hair flew out of my face. I held up my left hand and emitted heat. As the ice was about to engulf me, the heat from my left increased tenfold. The ice broke and became stubs. The fire died on my skin as I lowered my hand. Todoroki's face hadn't changed much. 

 "You didn't really think that would work, did you?" I wondered.

"Not after last time," he answered. He repeated the same thing. I rolled my eyes and sighed. This will get nowhere like this. I ran into the attack, using my left arm to melt the ice. I underestimated the power of it. The ice was encasing me faster than I could melt it. Damn. Time for a different approach. I changed quirks from Half Hot Half Cold to Hellflame. I don't have long before they call me unable to move. Better make it quick.

I tensed my body to force flames from my skin. As the ice surrounding me became water, I charged through the ice fortress. My exit opened up, lighting my path. As I stepped out, Todoroki was had realized that match wasn't over. Instead of a fire attack, I punched him across the face. He only stumbled backwards by a few steps. My knuckles stung.

"And emerging from her Fortress of Solitude, Kashiwa lands a sucker punch to Todoroki's face! She refuses to lose!" Present Mic commentated.

"Gh!" my opponent spat. He created an ice ramp and scaled it to get the height advantage. Technically, he was already had that. Once he used his right side again, I bubbled myself to the ground. The ice coated the bubble. Again? He can do better than this. I popped the bubble and broke the ice with my slightly hurt fist. It seems like he's holding back. But after his match Izuku, what does he have to hold back?

The cold air was finally settling in. I didn't know I was cold, but switching to another quirk would spend my stamina. He's not fighting like he did before. He's still using his right side. Does he still refuse to use his left? I brushed off the ice as he tried again. I stepped to the side and dashed at him. Let's test that theory. With my left, I grabbed his jacket. I threw him aside, underhanded. He didn't go very far since I'm dominant right. Todoroki caught himself before flying out of bounds. 

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