Chapter 30 - { One Last Breath }

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With my neck open wide, I looked up toward the stars
And beneath me opened up a red river of blood.
A small price to pay. My love for you.

Looking wildly around, Darkpaw saw that their only escape was down. "Down the slope, now!" She spat to Oakpaw.

"What are you? Insane?" The tom growled back, his amber eyes wide with disbelief.

"We have a better chance of staying alive if we take our chances down the slope than we do if we stay up here!" The tortoiseshell she-cat hissed back in an urgent tone. "Now move!" Darkpaw snapped before shoving Oakpaw down the steep rock face and skidding down after him, the two of them tumbling and rolling as they reached the bottom.

Staggering up to her paws, she helped Oakpaw stumble to his feet before they started sprinting for the tunnel. All around cats had started fighting. Some cats were fleeing, other cats were charging at Darkpaw and Oakpaw and some were hiding or watching from the sidelines, their eyes wide with fear.

Chasing Oakpaw towards the tunnel, at the entrance she saw the familiar ginger pelt of Maplepaw. He had waited for them. Idiot. She thought, skidding to a halt ever so briefly as Oakpaw ducked into the tunnel, Darkpaw diving after him. Behind her she heard Maplepaw collapse the tunnel after them before he followed, his breath hot on her tail. Running in the pitch black made her nervous and her heart was already pounding. Dirt clogged her paws and the air was damp and cold, only beginning to freshen as they neared the surface. They were doing it. They were escaping. Breaking through to the surface, she started sprinting through the trees, doubling back and stopping to help Oakpaw as he stumbled and limped. Night had fallen and a storm had settled in the sky above.

"Come on Oakpaw, you've made it this far." Darkpaw growled, helping the tom to his feet before they continued running, Maplepaw catching up behind them.

Sprinting through the trees once more, the sky above flashed with lightning before the white light was followed by a clap of thunder. The last of the leaf-fall rain began to cascade down before the inevitable snows of leaf-bare's harsh winter were to finally sweep in. The wind was frigid and icy as frosty lashings of rain swept down, soaking the earth and drenching the three apprentices within a matter of moments.

"Whisperstar and some of the guards left; they're going after the kits and queens!" Darkpaw called to Maplepaw through the pouring rain.

The ginger tom nodded, rain and mud caking his pelt as water dripped from his whiskers. His bright eyes glinted as lightning flashed once more and thunder roared in the black clouds above their heads. "It's okay, I didn't see them leave until long after the others, Sagepaw will have them safe with the clan cats by now!" He yelled back at her.

Darkpaw huffed in acknowledgement as they continued running. Maplepaw's long limbs carried him with ease as he led the way, running just ahead of Darkpaw as she helped the wounded Oakpaw through the thick undergrowth. The trees flickered past Darkpaw's vision and the starless, stormy night offered no comfort.

"The river is shallow, if we run in it it'll stop us leaving tracks in the mud!" Maplepaw yowled, leading the way into the shallow water and splashing through the icy depths, Darkpaw and Oakpaw bounding behind him. After what felt like forever, the scent of blood overwhelmed the pouring rain. Battle cries and screeches of fury filled the air, only silenced by another deafening clap of thunder as they neared the StormClan border.

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