3. Love; beautiful

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(A/n) this is dedicated to everyone who has ever seen beauty or has felt or wanted to feel beautiful.

Beauty (noun) Beauties 1 a quality that gives pleasure to your senses or your mind. 2 a person or thing that has beauty. 3 an excellent example of something. [from old french]

Beautiful (adjective) attractive to your senses or mind.

How do you define beautiful? To some it's the photoshopped model on the cover of a magazine. Or it's the new outfit hanging in their closet. For others it's as simple as a blue lake on a hot day with trees and mountains in the background. Or it's the first time a mother hold her baby.

While there's no specific way to make something beautiful to everyone, everyone has someone who thinks they're beautiful. Beautiful isn't in layers of makeup or clothing. Beautiful is in everyone. It's just how people are made. Sometimes you can see it easily, sometimes it takes a bit. that doesn't mean you're any less beautiful.

Is anyone ever truly more beautiful than another person? Is beauty in your body or your heart? Who you are on the outside doesn't matter, its what's in your mind, your soul, and your heart that makes you beautiful.

Beautiful is in daring to dream and desire. Beautiful is in freedom. beautiful is in happiness. beautiful is in the beat of your favourite song. Beautiful is in looking through photos of your happiest memories. Beautiful is in saying "i love you." Beautiful is in smiling at a stranger. Beautiful is everywhere. You just have to be open minded enough to see it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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