T-Shirt Design Contest

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IssaShu suggested STAWP hoodies/t-shirts to celebrate 10M reads for Sold to a Wolf Pack!!! 

❀ Would you wear a STAWP t-shirt/hoodie? ❀

I would LOVE to do that, but I can't draw (like at all). So I was hoping you can? And maybe you'd want to design the shirt? It has to be your original work, because otherwise we have to get permission from the artist. 

❀ Can you draw? Or do graphic design? ❀

I'll post all the entries here. Then you can tell me if there are any you'd want to wear and I can make the most popular one(s) into shirts!!!! Plus anything I want to wear, obvi! 

❀ What should the t-shirt/hoodie say? ❀

❀ What kind of image should be on it? ❀

❀ BRAINSTORM shirt designs you'd want to wear here ❀

If I pick your design I'll send you a free hoodie/shirt of your choice with the design on it and tell everyone you made it! Plus, if I end up making any money from the shirts, I'll use all of it to send STAWP fans on Wattpad free hoodies/t-shirts!

❀What do you think? ❀

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