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Ace My little brother you've stood beside me no matter what when I was sad happy or scared you where there sometimes I wondered am I really the older one. You grew up so fast when things happened you became a good person and still are in the making you stand up and keep everyone you love safe and never turn a blind eye to anyone who needs your help. It makes me happy to think someday you'll go off and have little baby Aces who you will teach to be just like you to be happy and smile even in the saddest of times to always stand for what you believe in . I've put you through hell and back but you don't seem to care you still stand by my side when I really need you even if I say I don't you never let me cry you always make me smile when you know I'm sad. You can make anyone laugh but if they hurt someone you care about you become pretty scarey I wouldn't want to fight you thats for sure. When I have night mares of the past your always there to tell me its just a dream your there to remind me this is real not the nightmares they are the past and I need to move on. We fight sometimes and I chase you around the streets in my boxers at night time but we always laugh about it in the end I was glad the day I learned I was going to get a little brother. Yes you can be annoying but we both now your younger your meant to be when mom needed me and I couldn't be there you stepped in and helped her through it all. I put you through hell when I tried to take my own life and I wondered for so long how you didn't hate me for trying to leave you and mom but I relieaze even if you did hate me your my brother so you will love me no matter what you will always worry about me just like I do to you. I have also learned because your my little brother I will always love you and be there when you need me even if I don't live at home anymore all you need to do is call me or come talk to me and I will be there.

To my little brother the day you came home I promised I would be the best big brother I'm still trying and I think I could do better but I'll keep trying forever

Your big brother Zane

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