Miss Independant

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''Jennifer, can you come downstairs please.'' I grunt out loud and drag myself out of my soft, memory foam bed and make it. I look around the room at all the empty storage, all the things i own packed into tatty cardboard boxes.
It's moving day and I was waking up for the last time in my childhood bedroom.

''JENNIFER'' my mother screams.

''I'm up'' i yell at her. I can hear her opening and closing the cupboards downstairs as she rushes around to make breakfast. I can smell the cooking of bacon making its way up to my room making my stomach grumble.
I think now would be a good idea to jump into the shower, i drown my nerves about living alone in the shower as the time of my move looms closer and closer.

I get out of the shower to a steam filled room and my mums voice ringing through the house yet again. she's just a nervous as I am about the move. I mean, I am her only child and I am now leaving home, And in her opinion, at a very your age. I've just turned nineteen and decided that it was time to leave the comfort of my mums house and try and crack the big world alone. By the big world, I mean moving three house away to London into a apartment alone. I only know one person in London, My best friend Lily, She lives about a ten minute walk from my apartment, she even help me pick it.


''Okay mum I'm coming down, I was having a shower!'' I shout down at her while i make my way down the stairs.

My mum is sitting at the table across from her boyfriend, Steve. I don't like him very much,  he's always staring. It's got to the point were im making sure every inch of my body is covered when i'm around him because he gives me the creeps.

''Well, look who decided to join us'' he smiles at me, from one ear to the other. he shuffles closer to me and hugs me which sends bolts of disgust through my body. he finally releases from what felt like an eternity.

''Yeah, I was having a shower'' i fake a smile back at him.

''Ohhh, i see'' he says raising his eyebrows, it makes me sick to think of what images are going through his head right now.

''Right, grab a piece of toast its time to go or you're going to miss your train'' my mum says while taking a final sip of her coffee.

''Steve, be a star and take Jenny's boxes out to the moving men.'' my mum says to Steve with her eyes all gooey.

''Yeah, they couldn't go and get them because I didn't know what the hell you were doing up there, go grab the rest of your things and we can leave.''

she can be so rude sometimes without even realizing, but at this point, I didn't care, yes i'm very nervous but i'm also very excited about being in dependant and to be brutally honest, to be away from my mum.
I have now grabbed my bag with the essentials for my train journey such as my charge, money and food and am read waiting in the hall way for my mum and Steve.

It was time to say goodbye. They weren't coming with me to the station because they both have work but I'm not surprised or bothered by it at all, I hate saying goodbye because its just so awkward.

My mum's eyes start to tear up as she approaches me in the hall, she pulls me into a tight embrace,

''I'm really going to miss you, i can't believe my little girl is going to live in the big city!. Now, you be safe! Don't stay out late, Don't get drunk, NO BOYS in that apartment okay, do you understand.'' my mother says in a very fast nervous voice.

''Yes mum okay'' i say with a smile, pulling away from the hug I look at Steve and as much as I don't want to i give him a fake smile and give him a hug.

''Be safe pumpkin'' He whispers in my ear.

''Right okay, I'm going, I'll call you when i get there. Goodbye guys'' I say awkwardly.

i turn on my heels and my my way down the drive past the moving van which would be following me to London, hopefully getting there not long after me because I need all my stuff.

The train station was about a ten minute walk, which i made in five. leaving me fifteen minute until my train, I wait on the platform ''Coventry to London Eutson 9:30am''


The train journey was pretty boring, full of sneezes, coughing and screaming children.

Lily met me at the train station because I dont really know my way round yet. she helped my put my bag into the boot which was suprisingly heavy considering i have most my stuff moving up in the van.

We made our way to my apartment which isnt actually too far from the station, its pretty central which is exactly what I wanted. Everything was falling into place for me, my life right now is actualy perfect.

The lifts in my apartment are quite scarey so i think ill be using the stairs because they do not look like they are of the highest standard. but my apartment its self is beautiful. Its on a floor of three apartments, mine being in the middle so i hope i dont have noisey neighbours.

I havent actually seen any of them yet.

Once you walk in the doors you are met by a narrow hall way that leads down to the living room, and on your right is that door to my kitchen, which is average. in the living room is a set of glass stairs leading up to another hall with three doors, one the master bedroom which has a en-suite, one the spare bedroom and thirdly a storage room.
God knows what im going to use the storage room for because I dont have much.

I settle in for the night after the moving men arrived, I havent unpacked the boxes because Im shattered so ill do it tomorrow.
I order a curry for me and lily because I dont have any food in.

I asked lily to stay with me tonight because its my frist night in a strange place, so just so I can settle in she said she'll stay for tonight.

sleep takes over and i feel my eyelids falling..


Hello everyone, i know you guys hate autours notes so ill make it quick.

please leave comments and vote. this is my first on im taking seriously so please please leave feed back. you can tweet/dm me to



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